Did I stutter? 50 comments
· 9 years ago
Marriage isn't a religious institution, Atheists still get married. It isn't a monetary institution, poor people still get married. It's not an institution based on reproduction, infertile people still get married. Marriage is an institution of love, so I will marry who I love, regardless of your objections. your opinion is just that, an opinion. you are allowed to have one, and I am also allowed to ask you to kindly shove it. Have a nice life, hypocrite. :D
Sooooo NSFW 25 comments
· 9 years ago
NSFW = Not safe for work. this is a bear in an office cubicle, hence not safe for work
Did I stutter? 50 comments
· 9 years ago
But, In the same book of the bible where homosexuality is condemned, so is cutting your hair, eating shrimp (Four times more than homosexuality actually), and wearing mixed fibers. If I'm going to hell for loving another woman, Then we can carpool because you're going too.