

— Arianacachay Report User
Imagine they did it with todays phones 8 comments
arianacachay · 7 years ago
We wouldn't. Because today, we'd get sued by the parent for "emotional damages". Well...and actual property damage, maybe. Lol but really. Us teachers live in fear of parents suing us.
some people are so extra 4 comments
arianacachay · 8 years ago
Omfg. I think I just had an aneurysm from laughing so hard.
ohmygod yes 9 comments
arianacachay · 8 years ago
Anon goes to the theatre with his wife 10 comments
arianacachay · 8 years ago
Diva cups are life changing. So much cleaner and easier than tampons! The best!
Born with Amniotic Sac intact 17 comments
arianacachay · 8 years ago
This is called being born "en caul". It isn't super common, but is amazing when it happens! There is a video floating around that shows a baby born en caul via C section. Baby can breathe, as the umbilical cord is still in tact and babies breathe in amniotic fluid before birth.
this is so cute 67 comments
arianacachay · 8 years ago
Well, you are lady dead pool. So you clearly can sustain a multitude of injuries and be a okay.
this is so cute 67 comments
arianacachay · 8 years ago
This always happens to me!
Mostly every night of my life 2 comments
arianacachay · 8 years ago
Me right now. O.o
I wanna know who I'm shipped with (if anyone) 17 comments
arianacachay · 8 years ago
I was pretty sure I was replying to a comment about pedophiles. Maybe it got deleted.
I wanna know who I'm shipped with (if anyone) 17 comments
arianacachay · 8 years ago
A pedophile is someone who preys on children to do sexual things with them. So how is a teacher seating kids who like each other like pedophilia at all? Hmm.
I wanna know who I'm shipped with (if anyone) 17 comments
arianacachay · 8 years ago
I don't see what is creepy or disgusting about it. As a teacher, you can see who likes who, who is friends with who, etc. Seating kids based on peer relationships is something that every teacher does. It's not like we are forcing kids to get married. We are considering their emotional happiness while in our classrooms. My goodness. People are so sensitive sometimes.
I wanna know who I'm shipped with (if anyone) 17 comments
arianacachay · 8 years ago
As a teacher, I can confirm this. I ship kids in my classes. I also sometimes accidentally on purpose group kids with others I can tell they are fond of.
WTF is this shit 10 comments
arianacachay · 8 years ago
But does do you guys not see the tongue sticking out? That only happens when you open your mouth. So...why is granny's mouth opening?!
Sometimes, life hurts for no reason 8 comments
arianacachay · 8 years ago
Anxiety 100%
I guess childhood isn't meant to last 8 comments
arianacachay · 8 years ago
I was wondering if anyone else would notice this!
90s Cats Will Understand 5 comments
arianacachay · 8 years ago
That title
Is this what goes through teachers' minds when grading? 11 comments
arianacachay · 8 years ago
As a teacher, I confirm. Oh wait...I teach 6 year olds. Still true...less cussing and name calling. More of what in the? What does this say? That's not even a word...
How to write a kick ass essay 9 comments
arianacachay · 8 years ago
There is no such thing as being annoying by asking a question in order to further your understanding of something! They could be considered the same, yes. From my understanding, anyway.
How to write a kick ass essay 9 comments
arianacachay · 8 years ago
Thank you! Never, NEVER write "I'm going to tell you about...." or "In this essay, I argue that...". It just sounds awful and illiterate.
Even Nature is against the other religions. 7 comments
arianacachay · 8 years ago
Gary? Is that you?
No...Its Patrick!
Finally, a use for selfies. 10 comments
arianacachay · 8 years ago
This is the most judgy thing ever. Good grief.
You have to want it 7 comments
arianacachay · 8 years ago
Not an Oscar yet, just another golden globe
Grocery store in my neighbourhood has this just inside the entrance 7 comments
arianacachay · 8 years ago
They might want to consider making trash cans more readily available if they haven't done so. Many people are too lazy to go find one, sadly.
f*ck boys get money 5 comments
arianacachay · 8 years ago
Yes, agreed. Answer is C due to lack of comma
explain this New Yorkers. 35 comments
arianacachay · 8 years ago
They "fount" him.