Jar Jar Binks is a Sith Lord 9 comments
· 9 years ago
I have seen that there is actually a different sith lord that is palpatines master
How Facebook is Stealing Billions of View - In a Nutshell 4 comments
· 9 years ago
technically no because it is still using the youtube format. You could easily click the youtube Icon and be taken right to the video.
My Dear Proctector 5 comments
· 10 years ago
I've seen a post of this that tells a giant story about how the teddy bear feeds on the good dreams of children leaving them with only nightmares and that the monster in the picture is there to defeat the teddy bear so then the child can start having good dreams again.
....p 21 comments
· 10 years ago
I have this same thing only I don't get asked it somehow just comes up and when I say some thing to help my friends kinda just go "that actually sounds really good" and yet I'm a single Pringle
How Europeans imagine 'Muricans 38 comments
Music from the past vs. Music from the present 69 comments
· 10 years ago
That's not just limited to the music scene that's basically why a lot of famous people get attention because people think the stupid things they do are interesting as hell. That's just the way humanity is right now we either laugh at the stupid things people do and say "that's OK I still like you" or we judge them and start hating them.
Music from the past vs. Music from the present 69 comments
· 10 years ago
You know I love old rock and I like new music I just like music in general but on the subject of good and bad influences if you listen to some of the songs from back in the day of sex, drugs, and rock and roll there are a lot of songs that have some very sexual messages/content and some with rather bad messages just like some of today's music and parents of kids in those days had the same responsibility as the parents of today but the parents back in the day would let them listen to it anyway. The only thing that's changed about musical influence is the artists and how they sing. All in all it's just an endless cycle that will go on for probably the rest of time.
I can only dream of being half as cool as this 5 comments
· 10 years ago
My theory is that the only way they got the park to actually open is that during the birthing of the dinosaurs they put like a sort of behavior controlling chip in them or some shit like that.
Goals 12 comments
· 10 years ago
I had a class of over 300. It all just depends on where you're from and how big the school actually is.
Going to the USA for a roadtrip. This is my checklist 59 comments
· 10 years ago
If you want good sea food red lobster is good or if you end up in the state of washington go to pikes market in Seattle they have some great sea food places along there.
Fun starter pack 4 32 comments
· 10 years ago
My friends arms make him look like a meth addict it's almost like his veins are always bulging and constricted haha
People have rights 26 comments
· 10 years ago
The very last one in the corner though. Why would you want to be a Satanist lol.
People have rights 26 comments
· 10 years ago
One is Scientology as someone above stated, the next one I believe is the symbol for Hinduism, and the next I know that symbol as yin and yang but I think it is the symbol for Taoism (or doaism)
Gay swans 7 comments
Gigantic jellyfish 23 comments
Jellyfish that can reverse aging 11 comments
· 10 years ago
Imagine if they found a way to manipulate this and use it in humans to either make our life spans longer or make us immortal like these jellyfish
Me refreshing the all page right now 6 comments
This is certainly something new for me 8 comments