

AshleyO Report User
When you try to do this in germany 116 comments
ashleyo · 9 years ago
Thank you for sharing that in a respectful and intelligent way. I read (beyond school) that the civil war was about states rights and slavery (as you said) was one of the more hyped and passionate arguments during the debates between the 2 sides. I totally get it wasn't the ONLY reason but I don't think I'm wrong in saying it was one of many serious reasons?
Never safe 33 comments
ashleyo · 9 years ago
Or I can just write whatever I want and you can mind ur business
Never safe 33 comments
ashleyo · 9 years ago
It's crazy how many enters on here are like "Well he musta done suuuumthing" or "he needs to just comply, stop resisting" It's his FUCKING house! I'm literally starting to hate this site.
When you try to do this in germany 116 comments
ashleyo · 9 years ago
And while I'm sure you'd love for me and others like me to leave America, we won't because we are just as American and have a right to be here as you love. I am damn proud to be American. So much so I that I don't feel the need to rewrite its history. I'm proud of the good bad and the ugly. Because SOME of us have learned great lessons from it.
When you try to do this in germany 116 comments
ashleyo · 9 years ago
Please name one fact I created? When did I say something filled with hatred or contempt? Please share when I violently denounced people (except for you lol)? Spare me with all the over the top histrionics Donald Trump Lol I love when people like you react so dramatically when someone has the audacity to DISAGREE and DISLIKE you. You scream and cry like a victimized hit dog as if I really did anything beyond state my opinion but Have no empathy for others and tell everyone else how they need to just get over it. Just stop talking, seriously.
When you try to do this in germany 116 comments
ashleyo · 9 years ago
The state's rights... TO HAVE SLAVES IF THEY WANTED TO. If what happened was such a nbd then why pretty and pc it up?
When you try to do this in germany 116 comments
ashleyo · 9 years ago
Thank you summer. It's disgusting people like guestwho actually compare tragedies to another denouncing one as less valid and vile for whatever unadmitted biases they have against certain groups of people. And yes I've read the story of the Angolan man who owned white and black servants. But I'm not sure why ur touting this random fact as if it somehow changes the atrocity of slavery. I'm sure you think your condescending, know it all, smart ass tone makes you seem enlightened and anyone who dare disagree with you inferior but really it's just a giant red flag to anyone who has the misfortune to meet you on or off the internet that your an ignorant, obnoxious blowhole
When you try to do this in germany 116 comments
ashleyo · 9 years ago
No they just tortured, beat and enslaved an entire race of men women and children and categorized them as cattle and property and completely disenfranchised and belittled them for over a hundred years nbd just bad
Mark Sheppard doesn't get enough love :D <3 This little girl tho xD 5 comments
ashleyo · 9 years ago
Commenting to watch later
Love this story, laugh every time I hear it xD 10 comments
ashleyo · 9 years ago
Commenting to watch later
Very true 10 comments
ashleyo · 9 years ago
What's ur address?
I have a whole new view on Siri... 6 comments
ashleyo · 9 years ago
Mine says "As intelligence agencies go I'm not too shabby" FYI
I'm only human 4 comments
ashleyo · 9 years ago
They don't want you to pass
Ever seen an indian wedding? 30 comments
ashleyo · 9 years ago
Reason #146 why I want an Indian wedding!
Aw yiss this post 45 comments
ashleyo · 9 years ago
I think the greater stress on the health insurance and medical system is the disparity between the cost of procedures (purely set by corporations) and the fact that most people (fat, skinny, smoker, non-smoker, man, woman can't afford it) someone being fat is not crippling the healthcare system! Lol and what right do you have to set the bar for what is an improvement to someone's life? RESPECTING your fellow man (and people's right to live the way they want to) is a virtue. What you're doing just sounds selfish, obnoxious, self serving, and pseudo all-knowing
He has spoken 13 comments
ashleyo · 9 years ago
My church is definitely a large and "non-conventional" church. They put so much energy into making the word of God a fully immersive experience. My pastor talks a lot about making the word relatable and understandable for the youth (like me) and comes up with tons of creative ways to make kids get involved to carry forward the word of Christ. I've gone to smaller churches that were lovely but my church is literally like an inspiring concert that turns into a powerful, funny, heartfelt speech. It inspires me and so many other youth to follow God not because our parents tell us to but because we're so moved at how God has used our church to speak to us. Every type of church has a role and a purpose as long as they keep Christ at the center. Jesus has lots of different plans and paths for his church, he loves the church and they all have a vital place in our religion.
Lord of the Rings Random Facts 19 comments
ashleyo · 9 years ago
Found it
Lord of the Rings Random Facts 19 comments
ashleyo · 9 years ago
Hello, just hear for the inevitable nerd fight.
Ever seen an indian wedding? 30 comments
ashleyo · 9 years ago
I want to have an Indian wedding! But I'm not Indian :-( I read somewhere that the woman doesn't have do household chores or anything after the wedding until the henna wears off. If that's true, considering they're both wives and both have henna, who cleans up? Lol
Aw yiss this post 45 comments
ashleyo · 9 years ago
Y do u give a fuuuuuuuck about what THEY want to think?
He has spoken 13 comments
ashleyo · 9 years ago
The goal is to bring as many people to Christ as possible so they can turn around and do good for the world. A lot of "mega churches" have the ability to do great things locally, internationally AND create hundreds of believers who turn around and do great things for the world around them. Buildung shelters is amazing but imagine if these churches could save thousands of lives and get them in a position where they make the right choices and live in a way where we won't even need shelters because everyone is just living an amazing blessed life. I know that it's super idealistic and every mega church doesn't use there power for good but I'd like to imagine that that was someone's intention when they watched their small church grow and grow and saved more and more souls
Become a legend 11 comments
ashleyo · 9 years ago
Well, Jesus died for every one of them so I think I'll be ok
Hungry? 2am chili 28 comments
ashleyo · 9 years ago
This could be an awesome way to get guy's (one's who maybe don't have cooking skills) cooking. I totally see a "Bro cookbook" or even like a comic cookbook (!!!) with this! Now go make money! Lol
Isaac asimov warned us 6 comments
ashleyo · 9 years ago
Or when everyone on here has these charged up debates about immigrants or politics or ISIS or whatever. Yes, you can totally have an opinion but don't act like what you're saying is the answer the whole world is missing just because you read an article or watched a documentary. You would think everyone one on here was a Dr./Lawyer/Economist/ Physicist who creates global policy reform for fun on the weekends. Calm down y'all