

— asteroid Report User
My name is pond 6 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
Yes sorry, Amelia or Amy
Yooha 21 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
I know there are many intricacies with the big bang but as I said you should think of it as very small physics (explained above) not the usual one. atomic-scale physics is completely different from the usual physics. Hence, many different things happen that cannot be readily explained, for example some scientists did an experiment: they sent an electron from a source to touch the other end but the energy was not enough to reach there. They witnessed the electron finished its energy and then gained enough energy from nowhere and reached the destination. I could not find the url but if I do I will post it here. Thanks
Yooha 21 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
My problem with god is the same as the problem stated here (what was there before God, you cannot just find a solution like that). It seems to boil down to these, we are human being we do not know everything but the religious people say there is a cause for any phenomenon, and so they reach God at the end of the line but the problem is that you cannot do that. That's not a solution, that complicates things ever more, who made God, what was before him. To say that there was only god and nothing else at the beginning is simply equal to saying there was nothing there. Frankly, saying that some extraterrestrial beings started everything on earth is more likely than God.
Yooha 21 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
There are two explanations: 1- There may have been nothing or 2- the universe goes through an expansion-compression cycle (before the big bang there was the universe finishing its compression and then the expansion started at that moment) In order to understand the big bang completely you should think of atoms (at the time of t=0, the world was compressed with infinite density and infinite mass but in a near-zero volume)
I have a December 31st birthday 21 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
not as bad as a birthday on the last day of a leap year
That's why they call it "GOLDEN" 4 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
The writer meant to say that the color is not important, it is always golden because of the act. All the Shiite holy shrines are golden, by the way, and they are not called golden
How even? 18 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
How to you tighten the holes on the small ones then???
good guy jew 69 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
I understand all of the things that you are saying, I have seen videos from Israel and it is a beautiful state and as I said in one of the above comments many Arabs would like to live there (I have seen the videos). Actually the things that I said come down to this: Israel is a great, democratic good country so it should act like one, it should not act like Hamas or Hezbollah. Please check the following videos to see my point:
Particularly the last one
good guy jew 69 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
I am going to tell you something: In a country that I won't name people believe that the Special Schools where Mullahs study are full of rape (the new students aged around 15 and higher are systematically raped every night and then when the rapers go away to teach and preach Islam in different cities, they themselves start raping the new students) and this is complete truth. All the people know it and won't let their kids to go to these schools
good guy jew 69 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
So far in all Abrahamic religions I have seen pedophiles (Christian Priests, Rabbis, Mullahs and so on) which does not indicate that all people of a religion do that (just a small number of them). To say that Zionists (which is not a term equal to Jews) are satanic and turn people into gays is stupid. How do you turn someone into gay????
good guy jew 69 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
PS: I am an Atheist, I DO NOT believe in any god (or gods), Frankly I don't like religion (the part of religion that starts the wars) and I do not see any difference between any two or more religions (That's just stupid). All religions say the same thing (be cool, love other people, don't murder) but...
There are many Jews who are appalled by the acts of the Israeli regime and rightly so because they are acting against the religion, on the other hand Islam does not say kill anybody. I am just trying to tell you instead of killing people we should find another method, another way, a brighter and kinder way, please understand this.
good guy jew 69 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
I feel sorry for you if you do not understand this simple fact (which I abundantly explained via two analogies), you cannot kill civilian people and children during war, THAT is a war crime punishable by criminal courts. Also saying that Hamas or Hezbollah kill innocent people to add to the death toll is not only stupid but also not based on any facts. It is not the Middle Ages, international organizations such as Amnesty International, Doctors without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières) and the UN are watching as well as multiple media outlets. You cannot just simply hide the truth. Accepting that you are wrong is not that hard if I am saying something wrong and you believe that killing innocent children and people is justified due to any reason you may conjure up you just tell me, maybe I change my mind and start blowing up places (using one of your reasons)
good guy jew 69 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
I simply said killing civilians is not justified under any circumstances, Those people who down voted either didn't read my complete comment or are crazy sociopaths. Those who blindly defend any political regime will find out that it is not a positive stance. At first they said that Hamas and Hezbollah militants were in those hospitals and schools, now they say Hamas killed civilians themselves.
good guy jew 69 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
@ xshadowxqueenx no I am not a girl I won't that much BS in a website
@doctor_sherloki You are not reading all that I said, I don't root for Hamas, Hezbollah, Fath, Israel or anything. The things that I said were based on a context (refer to the top comments please).
What I am saying in a nutshell is that: 1- War is not the answer and both parties should find diplomatic solutions so that Hamas and Hezbollah or whatever cannot do any more harm (for example by helping the people of Gaza, by providing shelter, not blowing up their power plant and so on) 2- Israelis have done some BS moves by blowing up schools, hospitals and power plants (for one example refer to the link I provided from Guardian) 3- You are essentially saying that because Hamas and Hezbollah are terrorist organizations (which is debatable), Israelis can do anything they want. 4- From my point of view Israel is not equal to Jews in the same way that Palestine is not equal to Islam, or USA is not equal to Christianity,
Most common words of 2014 17 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
Because you only live once
good guy jew 69 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
Read some real news please, do not believe the shit that media with their misguided agenda say and study a lit bit of International Law, You can find a lot of courses online
· Edited 9 years ago
good guy jew 69 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
I am appalled and disgusted to have to say this on this website and as a human being I believe in goodness of others, but it seems I have to unfortunately. Killing civilians in a war is not justified and it is considered a war crime. Do you understand this?? I don't know how old some of you are but I understand and you should too that the end does not justify the means. Killing civilian people is not good and it is not ethical and is punishable by international crime courts. People of Gaza can go to the court and sue Israeli army. Do you understand this, I hope you do.
PS: you said I am twisting shit to fit my misguided agenda, I am not and I don't appreciate this sort of talk, I will retaliate the next time, I warn you.
PSS: Israel has the Iron Dome, in the last war just three Israeli civilians were dead whereas 3000 innocent people and children on the part of Palestinians. They are not fighting for survival, they are fighting with prejudice and that's not cool.
· Edited 9 years ago
good guy jew 69 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
I will give you another analogy. Suppose that some terrorists have occupied a coffee shop where me and my child are drinking coffee or whatever. The NYPD is trying to come them the fuck down but they can't, they need to kill the terrorists but they don't know how. Suddenly an officer says lets blow the fucking coffee shop up and others agree, they blow us up and again we are dead.
good guy jew 69 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
Then we try to go out but some of the militants tell us not to move because we are their human shields and obviously we cannot go out because we are their excuse. They say if we move they kill both of us. We weigh the options, we have two options if we try to get out we will be killed immediately so that other understand that they cannot leave. Our other option is that we wait and see. You say that you don't think they bomb the school because they are not terrorists and they abide by international laws, we are civilians, we are not armed and they wouldn't. But they would, wouldn't they? Then me and you are dead in a UN school of course the militants are also dead but we are dead too.
good guy jew 69 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
Ok let's try it one more time. First of all Amnesty International was on the ground and denied the usage of schools and hospital as military centers or using civilians as human shields by Hamas or Hezbollah or any other groups.
You can check this article out by Guardian to see some truth:
Secondly, I don't know you but let's consider a hypothetical situation. Imagine that the things that you say were true which aren't but let's just imagine. Imagine that we (me and you) are in Gaza, we are two civilians and we don't have any guns or anything. We took refuge in a UN school and then the Hamas and Hezbollah came and set up rocket launcher there. Then, the Israeli army warned them using whatever (a tv announcement for example) but they didn't leave. Now, I turn to you and say let's get the fuck outta here they are going to bomb the hell out of this school. You agree with me and stand up,
Long weather forecast ever 11 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
You should at least have a username to be able to judge the website.....
I Remember the good days :') 11 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
Thank you both for the explanation, it was bogging me for the longest time, thanks
good guy jew 69 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
But some of them have reasons, Israel killed a lot of innocent people in the last war. That is not cool. Prejudice is not good, you should not kill children under any circumstances. The fact that some people do not believe in protection of children and innocent civilian lives is sickening. Israel killed them, bombed hospitals and schools, that is not war, that is being morons
good guy jew 69 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
PSSS: Israel has a lot of fundamentalists and haters too, I have seen their videos on youtube, it is disgusting. They are rooting for an ethnic cleansing of Arab people, that is not the solution. Hate is not a solution
good guy jew 69 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
I am sorry because I am not right there and I cannot fathom every issue there. But I think the Arab states at the time didn't know what they were doing. Anyhow I am a firm believer in prescription instead of description (what can be done instead of what is going on, you get what I mean). I also know that many Palestinians want to leave in a place like Israel. I strongly believe there is a way to settle the problems. If there is a way to come to an agreement with the Palestinian government and people, Hamas and Hezbollah would not be strong enough to make waves. War is not a solution.
PS: please engage in conversation people, do not just downvote. Downvote but explain and talk too. Thanks
PSS: Please stop the war, try your best (for example help the people in Gaza, I believe they don't even have passports of any nationality, help them and they will deal with Hamas and Hezbollah themselves)