

— asteroid Report User
Kadabra plushie 11 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
Kadabra plushie 11 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
oh, thank you sir/madam
Kadabra plushie 11 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
Please use too, it is very confusing
A PREFECT Game Of Snake! 27 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
This is certainly a computer simulation; even superman cannot do this
Good Thing He had The Gun 11 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
shower thoughts 8 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
No We are talking about eggs from a supermarket
o.O 3 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
Sorry but Caller ID
Dancing orca 26 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
@char sorry
Dancing orca 26 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
You missed a lot of fun, sorry
Poor guy 85 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
@deadpool007 We fair and square bro. I know deadpool is not a hero, man. I meant you believe in his world. The existence of his world. Every antagonist needs a protagonist.
Poor guy 85 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
Thank you all. Let's agree to disagree. I was hoping you see him use the "f-bomb" as much as he wanted. And he did. Friend I wanted to show you that words are not that bad but to each his own. I still hate violence. The man that we want to hurt now (besides and more than his sentence) was a child once. The statistics show that child rapers was most likely to have been raped as a child. The society didn't do him right. I believe that he should have received the death penalty but he didn't. So he will spend his life in prison. We do not need to brand him like an animal. He should have been killed with dignity. You should look at the big picture, the children are innocent when abused they should be cared for deeply and be treated by psychologists. Otherwise, they will become the man you so deeply want to torture.
It was a good conversation and I learned much about you all. Thanks
So... What now? 28 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
Nobody dies for 48 minutes and comes back. that's bs
5 · Edited 9 years ago
Accurate 3 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
the calculator
Poor guy 85 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
And you seem to have promoted yourself to the god status. You predict twenty years from now. You are not merely delusional you are stupid too
Poor guy 85 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
Good. Yes I would punish that group. Why don't you understand. It is similar to what they did to Qazafi. Illegal acts are illegal. The way to improve the law is not by acting on our own accord. If you want to enhance and improve the law, elect better presidents, better PMs and so on. I thought you chose your name as a simple interest but it seems you are deeply drown in the idea of a superhero. A world where people act by themselves and punish whomever they desire. I hate that world and you are a CYBER-BULLY. Down-voting someone in this manner is bullying and calling people liars is another flaw.
You simply do not go out there and punish the first person you see because you deem their crime repugnant. If words are as meaningful as you say, you should be in jail based on your comment. Please for your own sake do not utter this nonsense in a court of law. You will be imprisoned.
Poor guy 85 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
People who agree with torturing and defacing him are borderline psychopaths and I hope none of you ever become a lawyer or a judge unless you change your point of view. Go find some moral and ethical principles to live by and I am not afraid of your FUCKING power to push a button. Push it as much as you want even invite people to down vote me. Fuck this shit, this website is full of morons.
Poor guy 85 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
It is not an eye for an eye (good sarcasm though). It's just words and fuck is a perfectly good word unless you're a bunch of kids. Deadpool said the law is incomplete and many people are corrupt so the law is not enough and the fact that they tortured him is a perfectly good thing to do. He is essentially saying that we are above the law. We ARE NOT expressing disgust towards his actions. we are talking about the actions of his inmates not he himself. I didn't see anybody telling him not to use the word fuck. what a bunch of double standard people you are! I defended myself and the way I talk should not overshadow the moral and ethical stance I am talking about. @ deathfox393 If you don't believe an eye for an eye, then what the fuck are you talking about. You are saying since he raped and murdered a child we should do the same and even more (torture him), that's the FUCKING meaning of an eye for an eye. I hate that type of reasoning.
· Edited 9 years ago
Colbert nails it in this unaired segment 4 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
Wow, Bad guest bad guest
Fact of the day! 9 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
Emotionally speaking maybe but I don't think our hearts tell us anything. They are just pumping blood. Sometimes I think our brain disguises itself as the heart to fuck with us.
3 · Edited 9 years ago
POWERS 21 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
Ok so the conclusion is this: friends and family can tell us our flaws on the condition that it is not an obvious one. But I completely see your point. tnx
Neither do the Winchesters 15 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
Thanks smbadat
POWERS 21 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
Ok that's fair. I agree with you then. But hearing a bad thing about yourself even from your best friend or your partner hurts like ..... I like the compliments and I actually do not need people to tell me the truth because I know the truth and I know it completely.
It's so... Bald... 2 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
No it is to instead of too. What's wrong with people.
quote 13 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
It is because of change in the space. Our mind associates things with places, changing the place will erase the thing (if done too quickly)
Fact of the day! 9 comments
asteroid · 9 years ago
ON the Same day? time machining bastards