PETA who? 8 comments
· 5 years ago
Don't you mean "The whole world"?
Google want to know your location 3 comments
Fragile squalid Albatross 4 comments
· 5 years ago
I don't know whether or not to give this an up or down. This is honestly so sad, it hurts.
Survival of the fittest 1 comments
· 5 years ago
Man I miss this show. Someone just show this part to all of the stupid people against science and maybe they will listen.
"Inventor of the light bulb" 2 comments
· 5 years ago
We owe SO MUCH more to Tesla than Edison. True Edison did develop a lot, but much of our modern tech relies more on Tesla's inventions and innovations than Edison's.
guess this proves you don't even need it 1 comments
· 5 years ago
The funny thing, back then, he probably would have health insurance. The problem is that it has gotten worse in recent years
Oppressed minorities 9 comments
The best Grandson ever 5 comments
· 5 years ago
The only thing I hate is it was papa johns. 4 times tried their pizza, 4 times disgusting, tasteless, and 4 times they gave the wrong pizza. And then didn't do anything to fix it apart from "you want to bring it back". Still nice to know they have one good employee.
Hate my life 10 comments
And they did 6 comments
· 5 years ago
Can someone please recommend a onion cutting ninja repellent? They keep showing up...
Good Morning! Today might be the day 15 comments
Welp time to boycott Blizzard 1 comments
· 5 years ago
This is really just bad. It should be ACTIVISION not Blizzard. Activision is the one making the horrible decisions and is obsessed with greed. They are the ones who decided to cut 800 people, with little warning as to which ones are being cut, and give their corporate officers a massive bonus. They are the ones who microtransaction the hell out of everything. They are worse than EA! They are the evil part. Blizzard is making money, enough for Blizzard's usual standards, but not Activision's. If something doens't make $5 billion on day 1, they call it a failure. Why do you think they parted ways with Bungie? Because destiny wasn't making enough money. But that's another story. You want greed, talk to activision, you want quality, go to Blizzard. If there is anything left after the activision vampire sucks them dry for more corporate profits and executive bonuses at the expense of literally everyone else.
We don't act tbh 4 comments
The rise of the console knights begins 17 comments
· 6 years ago
This seems unlikely. The way they designed the PS3 makes this highly unlikely. They would have to build a PS3 board into it for it to work. The cell architecture makes emulation impossible.