I am in so much pain! It´s hurt. 10 comments
· 7 years ago
Iam gonna get a little graphic, but my flow is so heavy, that for protection I have to use 1 super tampon and one overnight pad for 3/4hr. I get extra bitchy also. And my few sexy underwears have been protected from the red dragon, until today.
Yeah,british 21 comments
· 7 years ago
Spanish concquer the other half of the world and what they did what so wrong in many levels I can´t denied they are part of my genetic makeup when I look my mother and my aunts. Me As a product of colinization, I hate colonial Spaniard but whithout with them, I wouldn't exist. But afterall I am no that important ( to exist). But I love my family. We can't hold responsible the people of today, for what happened in the past, we must learn from their mistake and keep going.
Guess the country 19 comments
Jeff Bliss a student from Duncanville owns his teacher - Never forget this hero! 6 comments
· 7 years ago
When kids make more sense and have more widsom than adults who suppose to be their teachers, it's unbelievable and depressing. This new generation sometimes make me proud, they are ambitious, fearless, brave and well informed. (Not all)
That's a world of difference 12 comments
· 7 years ago
Chicos!!!! Come on! She has micrognathia. That was awesome reconstruction/ plastic surgery. Kudoss to the surgeon!!
He has a reason 22 comments
· 7 years ago
And without a doubt, if we travel to the past, they would be racism against us. Don't know why we are awesome but oh well. Fear from the unfamiliar or the distinct is the most prevalent mistake of mankind.
He has a reason 22 comments
· 7 years ago
We are among the firsts bi racial or tri-racial from America. Sorry for the multiple posts but I am very proud of my multiracial country...No the colonist part of course. That's suck
He has a reason 22 comments
· 7 years ago
As more slave were brought, more incentives were made to white european to come to the country and mantain majority and control. And then more breeding and that's why for example you see more african influence and features in Latin Americans from the caribe than in Mexico.
He has a reason 22 comments
· 7 years ago
Due to the lack of "free-labor worker" colonist have to brought labor from Africa. Since then the african become part of the country, culture and genetics of the population( most involuntarily, again).
He has a reason 22 comments
· 7 years ago
The indians in my country were almost brought to extinction due to diseases brought by colonists and inhuman labor. Some of them are believe to had to mix or convert to christianity to survive( most case involuntarily).
He has a reason 22 comments
· 7 years ago
First no all latin americans are from Mexico. Latin american history in colonization and post colonization is a little more complex than that. First my country due to it's small size unfortunately didn't have the large number of indigenous people as other big latin america countries.
If Spider-Man Homecoming is as good as his dancing..its gonna be a great movie 5 comments
· 7 years ago
Wow, zendaya was like f#@%k this is in a whole new level!! Unbelievable dancing skills!! Wow
What did Cole do??? 19 comments
· 7 years ago
God I remember when these guys were tiny kids, I am so old. I feel like pervert for thinking they look very nice now.
They told me to talk more 16 comments
· 7 years ago
You're free to speak your mind, but you can't control the reaction of others and the consequences.
That's a beautiful dress 8 comments
It was the quest for the right song 8 comments
· 7 years ago
My older sister used to have a big book of cds and a radio sytem in the car that held five disc!! We always listen the same music: The Cranberries, No doubt, Mana, Alanis morissete, Red hot chilli pepper, Nirvana and Los Enanitos Verdes. And that was the shit. How much I miss my childhood
Edited 7 years ago
Gotta love it when your best friend is a lion 15 comments
What's your secret? 11 comments