White Privilege in China 8 comments
· 8 years ago
I truly can see this being a real thing. It's time to stop this white race is superior nonsense.
We just kill each other with swords instead, like a true viking 23 comments
· 8 years ago
I am sorry xdmaniac but blaming south america for your crimes,murder/ rate Is very ugly american of you. Everyone is to blame, except you. Take responsability for your action. Having limited acess to guns have been prove to low the rate of gun mortality. Its time to live in this century, we aren't cowboys anymore.
Ps: If the consumption rate of drugs in the American citizens were low, you wouldn't have the drug problem. Low demand/ no funny business.
Ps: If the consumption rate of drugs in the American citizens were low, you wouldn't have the drug problem. Low demand/ no funny business.
Low self-esteem is good business 8 comments
· 8 years ago
But men also have Low self esteem issue, do they? I am honestly curious. This is not just a woman's thing.
Priorities 43 comments
· 8 years ago
Actually, now in the medical community it has been prove in the study NSABP B-06 that it didn't show any survival advantage from removing whole breast vs partial mastectomy. Both process have similar survival rate. The difference is that a radical mastectomy is more mutilating but have less local recurrence. The point its depend in what stage and what kinda of breast cancer you have. Trust in your doctors after all they are the one that have the expertise, no some media campaign. And also if you are in the usa and have a health insurance by law (Women's Health and Cancer Rights act ) they had to pay the reconstruction.
I know this picture is old but it pisses me off so much 7 comments
· 8 years ago
That's is exactly why I don't have pet right now.Although I am adult, I don't feel yet responsible enough to have a pet. :(
Inspiring 6 comments
· 8 years ago
Wow Albert I didn't known you still here with us in this world!!. Where are you Albert??
Brutal 18 comments
· 8 years ago
She is own by her boyfriend apparently. No every guy that speak to you is secretly in love with you!! God !!what a high self esteem!!!
Bower birds are awesome 5 comments
Classic rascism 17 comments
· 8 years ago
If we are gonna talk abou stereotype, I bet that the one that say they have bigger ===} is not of your liking!! I am sure "that one "isn't true. Hahaha joking..... Or not.