Came for the Harry Potter, stayed for the-- wait you can NOT stay?? Sounds dull
— AvengerRox1 Report User
First post on Funsunstance :) 7 comments
· 8 years ago
Dude how do you already have a star
Orphaned Raccoon Rescued By Dogs Thinks She's A Dog Too 8 comments
· 8 years ago
See I want one but I feel like nothing would be safe from a raccoon those buggers are too smart for their own good
Venus the chimera cat 3 comments
The first letter of your first and last name... 145 comments
It would be great if guys could get over themselves 39 comments
· 8 years ago
I'm a girl and I rock Old Spice deodorant. They make this amazing gel that doesn't get everywhere or leave white stains on your shirts and why the fuck don't we have that
2007 was a dark time. Except for Webkinz,those were the shit. 19 comments
· 8 years ago
To do anything cool, you need a renewable membership, and all the games are new and lame, and uggghhh so many ads
We need this 22 comments
2007 was a dark time. Except for Webkinz,those were the shit. 19 comments
· 8 years ago
Those were the bomb. I actually tried to get back into my old account but I couldn't remember my password and it wouldn't let me put in one of the codes to log in. I made a new account (you can start for free now!) and it...it sucks. They fucked it up.
It doesn't affect you and hurts no one so why care? 38 comments
· 8 years ago
My sister was getting a wedding dress and we walked past this girl with beautiful rose sleeves trying on a strapless wedding dress and my mom just said something like "oh I wouldn't be getting a dress like that if I were her. Bet she has trouble finding a job." And I'm just like Mom wtf her sleeves are gorgeous I would definitely be showing them off
Deadpool brings my worlds together 2 comments
· 8 years ago
I'm really just happy it mentioned Hawkeye, especially because that is exactly what he would say :D
The Illusion of Choice 25 comments
· 8 years ago
Zipthesilver, if she was defense, it's kinda her job to defend him. That's how our justice system works. Everyone gets a fair trial. Even if the defense themselves believes the defendant is guilty, they have to give them a chance.
Murica 44 comments
how it feels 17 comments
· 8 years ago
If you move, you feel like you're gonna puke. If you stay still, you feel like you might puke. Standing straight hurts, but you can't function in the fetal position, so you have to grin and bear it, because the world goes on while you're getting sucker punched by Mother Nature.
To all the stressed out moms and dads out there 2 comments
· 8 years ago
I told my mom this and she just said "awesome" in the most sarcastic tone ever
Asking the real questions 17 comments
· 8 years ago
As for clothes: don't judge ballerinas, we make questionable fashion choices
This very large man has a very little puppy and it's adorable. 5 comments
· 8 years ago
Big men with small dogs amuse me so much like Hugh Jackman has these two adorable little things
It just makes no sense 9 comments
· 8 years ago
Everyone at our school has a school Google account and the address is like [email protected] but not a lot of people use those for anythinf
Ever looked at someone and thought 7 comments
· 8 years ago
Sophomore year my English teacher always joked about his daughter that he kept locked in the basement
More than just simple photographs 6 comments
· 8 years ago
I'm sorry but the ballerina one makes me sad for a lot of reasons. 1-the obvious one 2-she's so not on her boxes and 3-the thought of over a hundred dollar pointe shoes in that filthy place hurts my soul
Make America dumb again 21 comments
· 8 years ago
Ummm sorry y'all but this is Andy Borowitz, he basically writes the Onion in the New York Times haha it's satire