Came for the Harry Potter, stayed for the-- wait you can NOT stay?? Sounds dull
— AvengerRox1 Report User
You came to the wrong neighborhood 7 comments
· 8 years ago
Shit. Chickens are hardcore motherfuckers.
Probably the most magical cake ever made 15 comments
· 8 years ago
Also fondant and gum paste, the stuff that makes the designs, is disgusting
Wait, it may contain what? 12 comments
· 8 years ago
Ok I live in Ohio and I found these fuckers in a local store and I literally ate an entire package in an hour why are they so good
Listen up madafaka 3 comments
· 8 years ago
Mhhhmmm. I dunno. My best friend is the quietest person especially with adults, and is the most respectful person I know. I am convinced that her younger brother will be in juvie by his senior year of high school, he's already been busted for shoplifting an expensive pair of shoes and feels no remorse and he's going to be a freshman. We're not entirely sure what happened that he's such a dirtbag
Their smile after he checks them out is awesome 11 comments
Disney puns are the best 4 comments
This cat has heterochromia too! 5 comments
· 8 years ago
"It's a really groovy mutation." Goddammit now I have the First Class monologue in my head
Do it right 5 comments
· 8 years ago
"Where we critique the effort" and don't forget using a Superwholock gif
I'd have to give that a 9.5 7 comments
Just another average ring snake 9 comments
What's your opinion about this? 29 comments
Ryan Reynolds, never change. 6 comments
Not all cats are the same 6 comments
First time you've played minecraft 12 comments
· 8 years ago
I never play minecraft off peaceful until I have a house and a sword at least I'm a major wuss
Edited 8 years ago
*hail hydra* 8 comments
What a douche 16 comments
Are men not allowed to be gentlemen anymore? 30 comments
· 8 years ago
Ok when my ex and I went to prom he got in the car and his dad goes "Charlie open the door for her" and he fucking reaches across the car and opens the door from the inside and I just hear a simultaneous facepalm from both sets of parents watchi g
Asking the serious questions 11 comments
So that Bae and I can chill 7 comments
When you're arguing with you're sibling 5 comments