Some days give hope 13 comments
· 10 years ago
Weep not for roads not traveled my friend
I'll just go ahead and leave this here... 5 comments
· 10 years ago
Actually I work at one in my hometown and during last years hallowen a little girl came dressed as belle
WHEN I try to sing 9 comments
Whenever I see a girl say "I'm lonely" or "If I had a boyfriend" 16 comments
· 11 years ago
Well as much as this post is amazing I just realized one of the girls that hangs out with me said that exact line yesterday while we were in my room with two of our friends that are dating and I just put my headphones in and ignored it because awhile back we were hanging out one night and a random guy starts talking to her and ask if I'm her boyfriend and she laughed and said no I'm just a friend and I so I just walked off got lost in Walmart then cried just to be clear I was high at the time is why I got lost
Edited 11 years ago