

— Badwolf Report User
The 175-pound pit bull that will crush you with kindness 23 comments
badwolf · 9 years ago
I shall ride him into battle
Costumes- male versus female 11 comments
badwolf · 9 years ago
Me too, halloween is cold no way im walking around to parties looking like a hocycle
This is emma watson with red hair and ponies 18 comments
badwolf · 9 years ago
Also thank you ^_^ im glad others cam tell it too.
This is emma watson with red hair and ponies 18 comments
badwolf · 9 years ago
I have two of them. Its pretty easy to tell the differences.
This is emma watson with red hair and ponies 18 comments
badwolf · 9 years ago
Not ponies, miniature horses, theres a difference :3
One last rose 22 comments
badwolf · 9 years ago
its actually pretty dangerous if not treated and controlled
Sorry that I don't find fat beautiful 57 comments
badwolf · 10 years ago
im at the 15%-17%
As an Europeans this is how I imagine Americans eating their lunch 39 comments
badwolf · 10 years ago
Meh lobsters are for the people up north, and i never have a meal without my assault rifle named betsy
This is so funny 15 comments
badwolf · 10 years ago
Curing the internet one less douchey comment at a time
This is so funny 15 comments
badwolf · 10 years ago
This is my favorite thing. No "you dont like the thing I like what is wrong with you??" This is good, bravo sir/lady potterhead, bravo
That's why I have trust issue 10 comments
badwolf · 10 years ago
I really need to learn the makeup thing o.o
Seems accurate 11 comments
badwolf · 10 years ago
That's not I'll the end though, of the second part of the book
Seems accurate 11 comments
badwolf · 10 years ago
I really hoped that because one of the annoying guys at my college who's never read the books was sitting infront of us screamed at that part xD I was praying it would end there.
They look yummy 15 comments
badwolf · 10 years ago
I want to eat it owo I bet it tastes like happiness
Tipping is such an interesting topic 36 comments
badwolf · 10 years ago
Yea...when I was working as a waitress I was getting $5 an hour compared to the cooks and dishwashers $8 an hour... Tips are supposed to balance out the wages (which they don't) it's not unfair
I want a doll :( 14 comments
badwolf · 10 years ago
What's sad is those girls look like an eight grader and a freshman who go to my school =_=
What is it with Americans? 48 comments
badwolf · 10 years ago
We are constantly told that it isn't the day Mexicans became independent from Spain, but it's the day they got rid of a crazy leader. Is that right?
What is it with Americans? 48 comments
badwolf · 10 years ago
It's common in rural kansas too...we have friends who just walk in when we're gone and leave stuff they borrowed or something on our table
What is it with Americans? 48 comments
badwolf · 10 years ago
Also with the air conditioner thing, in kansas we get the worst of all seasons, last winter it got to -30 degrees F ( can't spell it actually owo) and already it's reached up to 90 degrees F and summers just starting. We need ACs to cope with the really intense heat because sometimes around mid summer it might reach over 112 degrees like last year.
What is it with Americans? 48 comments
badwolf · 10 years ago
The red cups are just plastic cups normally bought for parties or other events because they're cheap, movies use them to show partying with alcohol and stuff. Also there's a country song that was waaayyyy over played called 'red solo cup'
As do I 20 comments
badwolf · 10 years ago
My friends laugh at me when I say it, cuz apparently when I punch it's like being in a fluffy pillow fight
I am proud of this thing that I made 7 comments
badwolf · 10 years ago
You mean, "fishies"
I am proud of this thing that I made 7 comments
badwolf · 10 years ago