Cant tell you how many times i went without 36 comments
· 8 years ago
You're an asshole sir, it would have helped his uncle afford to treat his cancer which would have, in turn, prolonged his life or made it easier on his family
For the pokenerds 20 comments
Mistakes people make when making tea 14 comments
Who else misses this Cersei 9 comments
4 more years til I'm 21 26 comments
· 8 years ago
The warm and tingly and happy part is what makes people want more but once you start drinking some people have a hard time stopping
4 more years til I'm 21 26 comments
· 8 years ago
It doesn't taste good but it makes you feel warm and tingly and sleepy and happy untill you have too much then you just feel woozy and sick and you throw up
What would YOU name your school? 25 comments
I love this comedian 36 comments
· 8 years ago
So does the one in my hometown, and the one in the city near my hometown....I've never been to a walmart that doesn't sell guns
Citizen vs Police statistics about gun control 30 comments
Citizen vs Police statistics about gun control 30 comments
Citizen vs Police statistics about gun control 30 comments
· 8 years ago
Don't worry I'm not here to argue, you guys can believe what you want, and I can believe what I want. I'm just glad Congress agreed to vote on it
Edited 8 years ago
Citizen vs Police statistics about gun control 30 comments
Check Your Human Privilege, Yo 13 comments
· 8 years ago
So would I. It's worth trying to prevent this from happening to another family on vacation
Check Your Human Privilege, Yo 13 comments
· 8 years ago
My bf knows the family who lost their little boy, they are devastated, they kind of have a right to want this to not happen to anyone else
California vs Texas 27 comments
· 8 years ago
Problems up north "sorry, we don't have sweet tea."
Problems down south. "Sorry we don't serve gays"
Problems down south. "Sorry we don't serve gays"
California vs Texas 27 comments
· 8 years ago
Midwestern weather is fun because today it was 102 f and there are times during the winter where we get to 10 to 15 below zero, not counting wind chill. Ahhh the midwest
California vs Texas 27 comments