

— bajasauce07 Report User
What is the story? You decide. 16 comments
bajasauce07 · 9 years ago
Ban cheeseburgers!
Finish the job 19 comments
bajasauce07 · 9 years ago
Well, all liberal views of government (that MORE government is always needed to solve problems) are well intentioned, but stupid. Take this for example. The government steps in to TRY to help, and by doing so creates a system in which it is more financially prudent to murder someone than hurt them. Welfare is a system to help the poor that creates a mentality of entitlement and acts as a means to KEEP people poor. Try to get a job? Benefits dissappear immediately, disincentivizing people from getting jobs. We need to fund welfare? Tax wealthy corporations more, resulting in those companies going overseas.
More government is rarely the solution and is usually the problem.
Finish the job 19 comments
bajasauce07 · 9 years ago
Finish the job 19 comments
bajasauce07 · 9 years ago
This is what happens when a liberal government has a good idea. They always forget how humans actually operate.
Heal the cause instead of just patching the symptoms 9 comments
bajasauce07 · 9 years ago
Ummm. I tell my patients that every time. How about you stop being so fat and lazy and do some exercise instead of looking for some other person or system to blame for your incompetence as a human being? Is it really that hard to figure out you should be healthy? Cuz if you need ME TO tell you that 2 packs a day and a big Mac for breakfast might be why your heart is going to quit on you then your problems probably can't be solved by me telling you anything.
pretty much. 6 comments
bajasauce07 · 9 years ago
This is a compelling reason to tax the rich!
Smooth man line 10 comments
bajasauce07 · 9 years ago
Apparently sitting while eating is for the men. Have your sandwich standing woman.
Congrats. My highest respects to those two women 28 comments
bajasauce07 · 9 years ago
I was not aware of this, the source I read didn't mention that tidbit. It implied that there was no recycling of male graduates. I'll read up. Thanks
Congrats. My highest respects to those two women 28 comments
bajasauce07 · 9 years ago
Yes, they did... actually read about that class
Congrats. My highest respects to those two women 28 comments
bajasauce07 · 9 years ago
No, I think this statement is technically true. They had to lower the standards of the entire class to accomodate.
Congrats. My highest respects to those two women 28 comments
bajasauce07 · 9 years ago
They did water it down though...
Congrats. My highest respects to those two women 28 comments
bajasauce07 · 9 years ago
This isn't true. Lowered pack weights. Recycled into 3 different classes after failing out multiple times. Multiple other concessions. Perhaps you are the one who didn't look into it?
There we go 52 comments
bajasauce07 · 9 years ago
No, lordblackdragon is correct. The constitution only protects the rights of the people to have free speech. The government itself has no such protection and must be impartial to all groups. Flying a symbol of oppression to a group of American citizens is not protected. I agree with him or her and so does the law.
There we go 52 comments
bajasauce07 · 9 years ago
Thank you underyourrbed
There we go 52 comments
bajasauce07 · 9 years ago
Exactly my point.
There we go 52 comments
bajasauce07 · 9 years ago
Because in america, there still exists a thing called freedom, the definition of which has been forgotten by the majority of the world and likely by all of you. Every small infringement on liberty brings us 1 step closer to an orwellian dystopia. And so, while I may not agree with the KKK or the rebel flag, I will fight to the death to defend their right to peaceably express their opinions. I will not stand idly by while the thought police make first these flags illegal and then make speech against the government or ruling party illegal with the next stroke of the pen.
· Edited 9 years ago
Life Plan: Move to Iceland, become criminal 39 comments
bajasauce07 · 9 years ago
Don't break the law and you'll be fine
This is accurate...kinda 47 comments
bajasauce07 · 9 years ago
Well, the first amendment right to association protects the idea of a "no gays" store. While I find that idea distasteful, men died to protect that freedom. I wouldn't shop there but wether or not it's proper, if we stop them from doing it it opens the door to a serious abuse of rights.
Ugh school 33 comments
bajasauce07 · 9 years ago
This is in England where guns are illegal
This is accurate...kinda 47 comments
bajasauce07 · 9 years ago
Maybe it used to be that... but now it's more like the homosexual sues all the others for not making pasta at their "pizza only" stores.
Used by Yves Saint Lauren & Elle, but the picture got banned 32 comments
bajasauce07 · 9 years ago
Um, yes. I'm satirizing the idiots who say stuff like "fat is beautiful." People can be beautiful as people anyway, but both this and glorifying being overweight and proud of it is the same in principle.
Used by Yves Saint Lauren & Elle, but the picture got banned 32 comments
bajasauce07 · 9 years ago
This is fat shaming and promoting an unhealthy lifestyle. That's why this is wrong and we should praise plus sized 300lb models for their bravery or whatever.
Moderation in all things, yes? 7 comments
bajasauce07 · 9 years ago
nailed it.
I almost got mad 47 comments
bajasauce07 · 9 years ago
The logic is sound
Grass under a microscope 24 comments
bajasauce07 · 9 years ago
Happiest penises I've ever seen.