Moo 8 comments
· 10 years ago
It looks a bit sluggish.
Only cowards hunt lions 31 comments
· 10 years ago
Which was why she was 60 YARDS away. If the animal you're hunting is walking right next to you like that, it takes the whole point of the hunt away. I'm not a hunter myself, but a lot of my friends IRL are.
Only cowards hunt lions 31 comments
· 10 years ago
What i mean is... the animals living in those different environments are living in completely different areas. Animals in the safari are used to having humans be around in their environment. Animals in the game reserve itself don't see tourists everyday. They essentially live in a wild environment with little to no human interaction. Meaning the animals in the game reserve are wild and will not approach humans in the same way as an animal in safari's.
Only cowards hunt lions 31 comments
· 10 years ago
Didn't an article say she hunted this lion in a game reserve... isn't there a difference between a safari and a game reserve?
Gold digger 11 comments
Some men just don't want to watch the world burn 21 comments
Everything in japan is cuter 26 comments
· 11 years ago
This is the Japanese Dwarf Flying Squirrel, AKA the Siberian Flying Squirrel.
I love Tumblr so much 26 comments
· 11 years ago
technically there's 4... wait.. I'll just stop there...
Edited 11 years ago
Afghanistan: 1970s vs. 2000s 32 comments
· 11 years ago
No no, it was fine. I loved owning him in the debate by purely using logic.
It deserves many Oscars 20 comments
· 11 years ago
I walk with a T-shirt and jeans in that temperature; granted, i live in minnesota
Afghanistan: 1970s vs. 2000s 32 comments
· 11 years ago
Just wanted to point this out: "the civil war part is true though" saying I was correct when I talked about the civil war, yet in the NEXT sentence you say: "you know nothing". Explain?
Afghanistan: 1970s vs. 2000s 32 comments
· 11 years ago
The original Afghan government during Soviet involvement in the war was Communist (Socialist) already. The Soviet Union was supporting its Communist interests in Afghanistan, not really forcing. If that was true, the government would have to be not communist in the first place. It was already a socialist government in 1978. I'm only telling the truth about the Soviet involvement in the war. If you did fight in the war, it would mean you are most likely about 45+ years old. A 45+ year old with that kind of vulgar vocabulary and incorrect grammar is just sad. You sir, wanted me to Google and learn about the Soviet involvement in the Afghan War and I did. I posted my findings, yet you continue to call me the dumbass.
Edited 11 years ago
Afghanistan: 1970s vs. 2000s 32 comments
· 11 years ago
In addition, that war wasn't won by anyone. The Geneva Accords was signed (1988) in which resulted in the withdrawal of Soviet forces from Afghanistan. The war continued without the Soviet Union. The communist government of Afghanistan was forced to fend for itself against Mujahideen and eventually, in 1992, the government fell. And still, the war is still continuing between the insurgents, like the Taliban, trying to take control of the government.
Edited 11 years ago
Afghanistan: 1970s vs. 2000s 32 comments
· 11 years ago
The Soviet war in Afghanistan was between Soviet-Led Afghan forces and the Mujahideen (multi-national insurgent groups). It was part of the continuing Afghan Civil War. It is true that only 15,000 Soviets died vs the gargantuan numbers the Afghan civilians lost. But the Soviets actually was helping the Afghan government during that war, not fighting against it. Unless you were angry against Russia because they fought the Mujahideen, your outrageous slandering of the Russian people is uncalled for.
Afghanistan: 1970s vs. 2000s 32 comments
· 11 years ago
There's a difference between the Russians of today, and the Russians of the past (the Soviets). And people don't like being called dumbasses. We never fought a war against the Soviet Union. If you're talking about the Cold War: it wasn't even a war, it was just a state of military tension between the The United States (and NATO) and the Soviet Union. It was more like an international disagreement more than anything.
The man who arrested justin bieber 42 comments
· 11 years ago
right click on picture -> Search Google for this image == After Boston bomber was found