Plz? Plz? 18 comments
· 8 years ago
My chest looks like a 12 year old boy's chest
Only one trip 3 comments
Think twice before killing someone else 5 comments
Well, that's just beautiful! 4 comments
German shepherd obstacle jump 7 comments
German shepherd obstacle jump 7 comments
70ish 8 comments
· 8 years ago
My dad "oh 70 is the lowest not the highest! Don't pay attention to that! Let's go for a wild ride mofo"
Dan doesnt f*ck around 8 comments
· 8 years ago
Well, at least there isn't a decimal or fraction in there. We don't want anything half-assed.
Tattooing to cover up vitiligo 11 comments
How to know you've grown up 14 comments
· 8 years ago
We have one at the top of the basement stairs and the bottom, so my family has foiled the monsters plans of eating us! Ha! You have been tricked you dumb monsters!
How to know you've grown up 14 comments
Is it just justifiable? 67 comments
· 8 years ago
Also I find it so sad that a 4 year old knows what that is, but good on whoever taught her that and told her to speak up
Is it just justifiable? 67 comments
· 8 years ago
That is so justifiable especially for what he was saying while beating him up
Parenting success 2 comments
Beautiful Microscope under Flower effect 1 comments
· 8 years ago
Wow what a beautiful picture! That microscope under a flower is absolutely breathtaking.
Never trust anthing printed on your shirt 19 comments
Never trust anthing printed on your shirt 19 comments
· 8 years ago
Are these rejects from somewhere and then probably sold dirt cheap to people who don't actually speak English and know what they say?
Thank you 5 comments
· 8 years ago
Ok but really because people throw men under the bus all the time and generalize them and hell if you do that to a woman your going to get thrown to the lions, but I really hate this double standard for men and I know I've been guilty of it before, but honestly if you think it's wrong for women, than men don't deserve it either, because that's basic human dignity. I really wish it would change because there are so many wonderful men out there who are doing so many wonderful things and they should be applauded and dudes, you've got this and I support you every step of the way, because you deserve the dignity that we women want, and you're just as deserving of it and I hope this double standard stops soon. Keep doing you, and keep being the amazing human beings you are, I'm here for you, applauding you every step of the way
And for that eating beans can't get you fat 4 comments
Never, ever, coast! 6 comments