I have learnt the hard way never to let your friends near your Funsubstance.— BeckaBN Report User
Challenge accepted 8 comments
· 11 years ago
Does peanut butter milkshake count? x
*squee* 19 comments
That's it, moving to the UK 31 comments
· 11 years ago
We don't even have GPA's. We have pieces of coursework and/or one final exam that makes up all of our grade. The grade boundaries differ depending on how candidates did on the exam/coursework, so in this example, most students would've got about 38-49 marks. I don't know why the plus and minus grades are even on there; we don't have them either x
Edited 11 years ago
So I might actually be really attractive? 11 comments
Status quo 7 comments
Osmosis jones 15 comments
Expectations in men 16 comments
How to tie a scarf 1 comments
The cutest piece of sushi you'll see today 13 comments