Use the booty 14 comments
· 9 years ago
Where did the puck go?!?!?! Honestly look at it, it just disappears like wtf.
This girl rocks 12 comments
· 9 years ago
Yeah but look at the proportionality of his fingers!?!? For gods sakes his ring finger looks like salad fingers... well fingers.
This girl rocks 12 comments
I'ma princess in sundress! 16 comments
This is our society. 62 comments
Have you ever wondered where they are? 8 comments
· 9 years ago
Or he's saying shit because all of the people he ever knew are doomed, and now there is no where for him to go except the dark abyss that is space. And not to mention his terrible fate when he runs out of resources. But hey, him not being able to drink his beverage is pretty trying as well right....
Jared Leto as The Joker 12 comments
· 9 years ago
I think every time there is a spin on a popular character, that people will dislike it initially. But, if done correctly this idealogy that we where presented with quickly become the norm. Look at the original 60's joker. Instead of wanting to change the society to fit his own twisted views, the original joker mostly did it for a good laugh. So if this is done correctly you'll love it nonetheless. So shut up and judge it when you actually see it. Then it's fair game.
Beautiful! 10 comments
Just girly things 9 comments
· 9 years ago
The black sacrament! Honestly kinda a fucked up mission but hey, whatevs right.
Never ending sword fight. Credit to Steve Weebly 13 comments
· 9 years ago
Purple is a badass, he legit doesn't get hurt. Even when he gets thrown into the sky he lands and keeps kicking ass.
DIY CD cover 1 comments
James May everybody... 9 comments
If you don't know this.. you're missing out : O 19 comments
If Marvel heroes were robots 14 comments
Special Guest Appearance 7 comments
· 10 years ago
Yeah they are there to help sora seal the keyhole and find Mickey duh. First they have to beat Ursula and that shit is hard.
awesome batman fan art 14 comments
· 10 years ago
Viking Batman looks incredibly badass. Let's be honest, it's not truly Batman-y tho. Batman is usually cool and level headed, rather than brutal and savage like Viking Batman.
Why do people hate gingers? 1 comments