Everybody likes racism 13 comments
· 10 years ago
The sickle cell anemia thing... It's a disease where your blood cells are less adept away holding O2, and for some reason, if you are a carrier for sickle cell, you're a more resistant to aids. So. There is a very disporportiate amount of Africans who have sickle cell because they got the disease instead of being a carrier, as it is a 25% chance of getting it if both your parents are carriers, and since environments with malaria present, like Africa, naturally select for people who are carriers, there are also a very disporportiate number of carriers. :)
Taxes 1 comments
· 10 years ago
Scientists can now use baby forskin to grow skin for people who need skin grafts, etc. as the cells of babies are very active in division. Disgusting, I know, but I'm sure appreciated by the people who need it.
geeks' stuff 66 comments
· 10 years ago
What if I told you... I like my life and don't really want to go through any of those doors.
Bigot 7 comments
· 10 years ago
Jesus was a poor middle eastern Jew who preached love and kindness. I can name quite a few Americans who would hate him if he were alive today
Kid keeps it real on Jeopardy 10 comments
Oldie but goodie ananas 24 comments
Do not move a muscle 4 comments
When someone thinks an Onion news article is real 3 comments
· 10 years ago
When your number one meth cook gets on your ass about something.
ermahgerd guys 6 comments
Someone has made pollandballs a reality! 11 comments
· 10 years ago
"Yes hi, I am calling to distract you while I talk all of your flag pillows."
His face 27 comments
· 10 years ago
As you can tell by my username, I am a feminist, but this is one of my biggest issues with feminism as it is now. People telling women (or men for that matter) that they are beautiful no matter their size is wrong. A person can have many good qualities, and physical beauty can be one of them, but if you are overweight, I believe that it is immoral of us as a society to say that you should not change. Diabetes, heart disease, cancer, all of these diseases can be directly caused by an unhealthy weight, and are the leading causes of death in America.
Another big problem with this is the confusion that surrounds what some feminists may be trying to communicate. If you want to teach a woman that her physical appearance doesn't have to be her only value, then why would you also tell everyone that they are physically attractive as a way to give them worth. I'm sorry, but it doesn't make logic to say that physical beauty is both worthless and unimportant, as well as valuable.
Edited 10 years ago
Another big problem with this is the confusion that surrounds what some feminists may be trying to communicate. If you want to teach a woman that her physical appearance doesn't have to be her only value, then why would you also tell everyone that they are physically attractive as a way to give them worth. I'm sorry, but it doesn't make logic to say that physical beauty is both worthless and unimportant, as well as valuable.
Asian beauty 23 comments
· 10 years ago
What?? No, I'm just saying I think it's cool to live in a nation with lots of different people from all over the world.