I'm my family's biggest disappointment, lover of animals, and crime show fanatic. I know a lot about mental illness too, of you ever need someone to talk to.
— black_dahlia Report User
Don't be a fan like Stan 1 comments
· 7 years ago
This song fucked me up
welcome to the cage 4 comments
Crushing a Coke bottle 7 comments
I'm usually done in a minute 9 comments
· 7 years ago
It's super short so I just run a brush through it til I'm satisfied or if it's dirty, I put it in a ponytail or put a hat on.
I'm usually done in a minute 9 comments
· 7 years ago
Thank god I found someone like me! I am a girl and I have NEVER worn makeup before. I absolutely hate it. It feels sticky and wrong, even when done well. I can throw on anything to wear in five minutes, ready to go, no problem. I hate being stereotyped like that! I take an average of ~8 minutes to get dressed, just because I'm looking for clothes in my mess of a room. I usually get new clothes once a year and have been recycling clothes from my entire family for years, haha :)
Awesome triple bunk beds 5 comments
Great idea 12 comments
· 7 years ago
And I don't want to get my comment ratings low, so I will respectfully agree to disagree with you and unfollow these comments.
Great idea 12 comments
The reality of inviting people over 15 comments
· 7 years ago
Um, ok, maybe I have OCD and don't like touching dirty things, you stupid prick
The reality of inviting people over 15 comments
· 7 years ago
Yes but it's really nasty to have to touch everything that your friends have eaten, or maybe that's just me.
Great idea 12 comments
· 7 years ago
I'm not new, and I don't really care. Just saying you didn't have to be rude, but based on your reputation my expectations are quite low.
Great idea 12 comments
· 7 years ago
What if instead of driving like a grandma, you could just gun it as fast as you possible can and scare the shit out of the passenger?
I was young, but I still remember that day 31 comments
bye-bye beard 23 comments
· 7 years ago
Give me 3 hours with this guy
And all the dude in the bar would start hitting on him
And all the dude in the bar would start hitting on him
Jacksfilms fans have gone too far 10 comments