I'm my family's biggest disappointment, lover of animals, and crime show fanatic. I know a lot about mental illness too, of you ever need someone to talk to.— black_dahlia Report User
Is this paranoia 1 comments
· 7 years ago
Yeah I have the exact same thought
North Korea will win though 38 comments
· 7 years ago
Like my mom said to console me, there will eventually be a WWiii but it won't last too long; we will alll start to drop like flies after the initial blasts, fires, diseases, famines, and radiation poisoning :)
This guy has mad skills 14 comments
· 7 years ago
Wtf... this kid will be in therapy for years until he has a breakdown and kills himself. I hate when people think shit is funny. Trust me, it's not.
Water jugs getting married 3 comments
Michael Jackson gliding like a robot across the stage 8 comments
· 7 years ago
I was terrified of him as a child and this just confirmed my fears that he was not human.
Balls of steel student edition 9 comments
· 7 years ago
Well it's only 5% of the grade but still, this person is a certified badass, and your point is invalid
So deep, adele is rolling in it 23 comments
I wonder what he got picked up for 2 comments
So deep, adele is rolling in it 23 comments
· 7 years ago
Who are you @sheeby78 and how do you know which school I go to? Wtf? Are you in the same grade as me?
So deep, adele is rolling in it 23 comments
Tumblr isn't so bad part 1 3 comments
· 7 years ago
I love going to my best friend's house or having her come to mine and I draw or read while she does the same, it's so nice and peaceful :)
Reading a book with a kitten 4 comments
Look at them lil flip flops LOOK AT THEM! 2 comments
· 7 years ago
My little sister and I rescued a little wood thrush yesterday that ran into our living room window. We fed her, gave her water, pet her, named her Leslie, and let her go. She flew away! Yay :)