22 prettiest female athletes at the Sochi Olympics 47 comments
· 11 years ago
you made a wise decision meme queen
Comment The Rudest Thing Anybody Has Ever Said To You ♥ 294 comments
· 11 years ago
Soemone gave me a piece of paper saying how to kill myself. idek why..
Damn Elsa 41 comments
· 11 years ago
below temperatures are probably really low there, so it was swimming to get out, it started to freeze, and before it actually froze over the fox couldn't move.
19 Real life facts 6 comments
· 11 years ago
How? (Im not saying your lying I wouldn't believe it either) But did they actually shoot somebody?
Human SpongeBob characters 4 comments
· 11 years ago
maybe he is fourty, but because of spongebobs always annoyance, he looks older because of stress.
Or use my trick its called "no GF" it really works 10 comments
· 11 years ago
Now way your using the method of no GF? Im using the method of no BF. REALLY UN SATISFYING, but works.
Why The LGBTQI Community Needs, Loves And Appreciates Our Allies.... 87 comments
· 11 years ago
"i am not here anymore," it all brought tears to my eyes that this is a real picture.
a lesson: 55 comments
· 11 years ago
Yeah, I over reacted, but thats not really what I was saying. I was saying, more of the fact that he is doing un resbonsible things with his money.
The beatles "hey jude" 17 comments
· 11 years ago
I heard it. It didn't really sound like "fucking hell," even tho i knew it was, it sounded like really computer overed, but it was there
a lesson: 55 comments
· 11 years ago
WHAT? He was too HIGH to perform? that right there pisses me off so much
a lesson: 55 comments
· 11 years ago
For his Believe tour, he said he was going to give 75 % of the proceeds to charity. He spent it on his shoes and wardrobe.
a lesson: 55 comments
· 11 years ago
ALSO ADD: DRUNK DRIVING (UNDERAGE DRINKING BTW) AND HAVING ENOUGH MONEY TO GET HIMSELF OUT OF JAIL! this makes me soooo mad, like no, he SHOULD NOT just get a free card! he could have killed a fricking person while drunk driving! DOES NO ONE GET THAT? he could have killed, and he's allowed to just get out? It's not okay! HE'S A CHILD! peeing in a mop bucket? egging his neighbours house? it makes me want to punch everyone who says it was by mistake in the face, BECAUSE, GUESS WHAT? Saying it was a mistake doesn't make drunk driving okay! If he was a normal person, everyone would say, "KEEP HIM IN JAIL! WE CAN'T HAVE HIM DRIVING AROUND KILLING PEOPLE!" But nope, it's JB, and he is allowed out, because, oh, he can sing, and oh, he's hot? and he has a sentimental value to you? jesus, you don't know how great or terrible he is by what kinda songs he writes, or his campaigns. Sorry, but this makes me so mad, that he is allowed to do all this stuff.
a lesson: 55 comments
Those eyes whose are they? 62 comments
· 11 years ago
cause when he stared in she was in the corner, but when he looked back, she knew he was staring at her first, so she looked back at him (that was confusing, srry, i just know this story so well haha)
Those eyes whose are they? 62 comments
Those eyes whose are they? 62 comments
· 11 years ago
Your Bryce, from America...I'm Maria, from Canada, ferretlover256 wbu?