James Arnold


James Arnold Report User

Actually sends dissidents to prison camps like a boss

Actually sends dissidents to prison camps like a boss

LGBT icon

LGBT icon

We had a math test today, every time you answer a question right it fills in a colour

We had a math test today, every time you answer a question right it fills in a colour

Not stimba

Not stimba

PTSD intensifies

PTSD intensifies

Just continuing the thread

Just continuing the thread

Bovines are boastful creatures

Bovines are boastful creatures

So you’re a girl?

So you’re a girl?

When the facilities are listed as basic ????

When the facilities are listed as basic ????

Aaah, this is so cool, wow!! How did they brainwash so many people?? Aaaah hahaha

Aaah, this is so cool, wow!! How did they brainwash so many people?? Aaaah hahaha