

— Blakfyre Report User
KIDS!!! 3 comments
blakfyre · 7 years ago
Ipod thinks it's a Nokia
My friend asked me to demonstrate the power of my hair dryer 18 comments
blakfyre · 8 years ago
Other than showing off, whats the point of this post? Its not really "funsubstance" worthy
What men are willing to do to show their love 11 comments
blakfyre · 8 years ago
I'm not even that chick and I'm impressed XD
What does this wood pecker think he's trying to prove? 6 comments
blakfyre · 8 years ago
This bird tried cocaine for the first time, this is him 20 minutes later. XD
Leopard enters Nepal's city, doesn't get killed 27 comments
blakfyre · 8 years ago
What I take from this post, is people on this side of the water don't assess the situation to see if someone is actually in harm before they shoot. Humans are capable of making critical assessments in a fraction of a second. With proper training (which our taxes actually pay for) senseless killing isn't necessary.
Beware of the skeleton in your closet 15 comments
blakfyre · 9 years ago
Maybe the skeleton is just hungry, I mean, buddy has a full sized fridge in his bedroom apparently. It might not even be a skeleton, we all know people aren't themselves when they're hungry.
Sorcery! 17 comments
blakfyre · 9 years ago
Did anyone other than me notice the source??
Warm-blooded fish with a size of a car tire? WTF? 7 comments
blakfyre · 9 years ago
I desperately hope this is true 7 comments
blakfyre · 9 years ago
This post never gets old.
p*rnstars 23 comments
blakfyre · 10 years ago
Do what you're good at, and what you enjoy doing. Many highly educated people in their fields despise their jobs if there is no passion. Most feel trapped because they spent their time, money and effort and end up resenting their choices. If you want to suck dick, and you are good at it and make tons of money, whatever man, that's your choice. Good on you for finding a job you enjoy.
The actual Canadian provinces. 13 comments
blakfyre · 10 years ago
"Mapple leaf" YES
Grounded 9 comments
blakfyre · 10 years ago
Not only that, you'll never get the dust outta there.
Lose weight in only 15 minutes 14 comments
blakfyre · 10 years ago
And changed her bottoms, cleared off her bathroom sink, and did her hair while losing a phenomenal amount of weight in 15 minutes... C'mon guys...Really? You're gonna argue this? Compare the pictures, Look at her cheek bones, drawing to her chin, I won't argue it's the same girl, I'll argue she accomplished this in 15 minutes. smitty, you're smarter than this. As for the guest, ummm. are you new here?
· Edited 10 years ago
I actually think the girl should face some legal consequences for doing this 14 comments
blakfyre · 10 years ago
Regardless of what violence has to say, I'd say no, Based on the fact that she CHOSE to consume such drugs or alcohol if she is underage, she is the one breaking the law. If she then goes and convinces someone she is of age (older than she really is) then that is another crime altogether. Both crimes in which SHE committed. As for violence's statement, she did not withhold her age identity if she showed a fake ID, she fraudulently convinced someone else of a fake identity, which IS a crime. She is the only one who should face legal action.
20 · Edited 10 years ago
Lose weight in only 15 minutes 14 comments
blakfyre · 10 years ago
Wow she was a busy girl. She did her hair, changed clothes, cleaned her bathroom, and bought a new phone in 15 minutes. I call bullshit. GTFO.
75 · Edited 10 years ago
He should be a Pokémon trainer 45 comments
blakfyre · 10 years ago
Moral of the story, Journalism is bad for your health.
Killer whale penguin 12 comments
blakfyre · 10 years ago
What exactly were you looking for on the net when you found this gem? Please don't tell me you searched killer whale penguins cause like WTF?
When Chrome crashes and windows says its trying to fix the problem 7 comments
blakfyre · 11 years ago
Wait... Hold on a sec here... Since when does Chrome crash?
What about her grades? 6 comments
blakfyre · 11 years ago
^^ This guy
Can't even read... :\ 11 comments
blakfyre · 11 years ago
That comment tho.
Shitstorm upcoming! 44 comments
blakfyre · 11 years ago
I want to like this post, but it has exactly 666 likes. and I don't want to fuck that up. *first world problems* Plus I'm the cool laid back neighbour and I can just come back later, lol.
IT'S HAPPENING!! 80 comments
blakfyre · 11 years ago
As a Canadian... We don't want him either. Send him somewhere where he'll be forgotten about and maybe all the tweeny boppers can learn to appreciate real music.
As a mobile user with a small screen 5 comments
blakfyre · 11 years ago
This is too funny. I laughed so hard.