I have too many silly moments. And I get too many awkward stares. And this site is drugs.
— Nida Report User
In the spirit of Halloween 3 comments
· 9 years ago
This makes me sad :(
6,000+ immigrants in 36 hours 23 comments
· 9 years ago
It's unfortunate how the media isn't amplifying how many refugees the Middle East has taken. They only show you what they want you to see.
Glad she's wearing a Hijab 10 comments
· 9 years ago
You're welcome.
Thank you usuallythoughtful1.
Burka is a one piece cover that goes over the head and all the way down to the ground (covering the body and face). Burkas are commonly worn in Afghanistan and other parts of the world; some believe they are worn in areas affected by constant sand storms and sun exposure. The niqab is the concept of covering the face.
Thank you usuallythoughtful1.
Burka is a one piece cover that goes over the head and all the way down to the ground (covering the body and face). Burkas are commonly worn in Afghanistan and other parts of the world; some believe they are worn in areas affected by constant sand storms and sun exposure. The niqab is the concept of covering the face.
Glad she's wearing a Hijab 10 comments
· 9 years ago
Hijab isn't just a head scarf. It's the concept of dressing modestly.
took me a second 10 comments
· 9 years ago
I have an Infiniti. Once I parked my car and someone with the plate 'Beyond' came and parked next to me and left a note about how awesome they felt.
Watch this man ask strangers for food will change the way you think 11 comments
· 10 years ago
Crying because everyone should be this nice and that I've never had NY pizza or DC pizza and I live in NoVA
Just when you thought you were finally happy 3 comments
· 10 years ago
Something bad happens the second you feel totes happy. My laptop just crashed :(
Toilet paper instructions 6 comments
Strangely nice to watch 7 comments
It just looks weird sometimes 18 comments
· 10 years ago
You guise can change your picture mode settings and it'll be much much better
It just looks weird sometimes 18 comments
Respect to these girls 23 comments
· 10 years ago
Not at all offensive. It's basically like wearing long sleeves. It's the idea of covering up and being modest. It's not a religious symbol.
Respect to these girls 23 comments
It works for any decade and age 12 comments
Just get over it 52 comments