Darlene Molina


— Darlene Molina Report User
The amount of stupidity this girl processes. I can't. 27 comments
bluedogs · 10 years ago
I can't even.....
This is his morning routine 11 comments
bluedogs · 11 years ago
I put up cold hard facts with a supporting link and get down voted. This person types in "wolf hybrid" and people up vote her because..... of her vast knowledge on the subject. She spelled it right! Woot! LMAO! That's precious!
This is his morning routine 11 comments
bluedogs · 11 years ago
What did I get down voted for?? I'm 46 years old with over 25 years of experience as a dog trainer and animal behaviorist. I'm a canine genetics expert and breeder of high drive West German Show line import German Shepherds. The lady I referenced is highly respected in the Wolf hybrid community and she has over 30 years experience. Sorry if the truth hurts, don't hate those that are wiser than you in a particular area. I wouldn't argue scientific theories with Neil de Grasse Tyson but I do have a responsibility as a professional in the dog world to try and correct misinformation when I see it and I see and hear it ALL the time. *shrug* Here are just SOME of my dogs for reference. Not one of them here has a sire that sold for less than $7,500 and Smokey's sire alone ran $15,000 for purchase and import. When you can step on my playing field then feel free to doubt what I say. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.685992504757149.1073741846.188245477865190&type=3
This is his morning routine 11 comments
bluedogs · 11 years ago
Uggghh!!! Kids, you do not want to own a hybrid and any breeder who actually has true Wolf hybrids would NEVER sell one to someone who is not a highly experienced handler with years of successfully training high drive alpha working breeds at the very least. Before you go shopping (and get ripped off by a con artist or clueless noob claiming to have hybrids for sale) maybe you could successfully obedience train a Cocker Spaniel first?? Off leash perfect heel position anyone? Reliable recall? Lengthy down-stays while you walk away and out of sight for 5 full minutes without the dog breaking its stay? If you want a dog who looks like a wolf but acts like a dog may I suggest my friend Vicki Spencer? Owner of Southern Breezes Wolf Dogs and founder of a new breed in development of which two of my solid blue GSD females from a 2012 litter will be contributing to their breeding program. http://bluebayshepherds.weebly.com/
This is his morning routine 11 comments
bluedogs · 11 years ago
Sorry ran out of space.... Cont. from above: stressed, angry or upset, sad, etc. A hybrid makes a bid for alpha pack position the only way it knows how. It attacks the current alpha leader with no mercy. Hybrids (as well as domesticated dogs) thrive on pack order. It knows that in order for the pack to survive there must be a strong and confident leader. Therefore, the moment it senses a weakness within a human pack leader it feels it is his\her duty to test the leader and if the leader is found to be inadequate or unworthy (that means you lost the fight because teeth and bone crushing jaw strength) then that leader must be removed from his\her position by force. Many people who claim to have hybrids for sale simply have Husky or Malamute mixes. They take advantage of people who know far less about dogs than they believe they know and ignorantly think it is "cool" to own a hybrid. http://thepetblog.hubpages.com/hub/dog-wolf
This is his morning routine 11 comments
bluedogs · 11 years ago
Hate to disappoint the owner but that is either a BYB Malamute or a Mal mix. (head set, ear carriage, eye shape and color, muzzle shape, and coat pattern are all wrong) It is in no way shape or form a Wolf hybrid. For one thing, even down to the F4 generation a true hybrid could never live in the house, would be extremely destructive and highly unpredictable (indoors is a very unnatural place for a true hybrid to be, it's full of stressors that will cause anxiety translating into negative behaviors) Wolf hybrids do not make "loving pets". They are far more reliant on true Wolf pack behavior controlled by instinct that derives from behavior coded into their DNA. You cannot train these things out of a hybrid. A true hybrid will upon beginning it's journey into sexual maturity begin to test the pack order (humans are considered part of the pack and should be ready to defend themselves against a bid for Alpha when the hybrid senses any sign of weakness. Such as being sick, fatigued, CONT
I EAT BUNNY POOP! 10 comments
bluedogs · 11 years ago
That face.
Doll house 5 comments
bluedogs · 11 years ago
Wow, the detail is phenomenal! Great work!
When you sneeze 23 comments
bluedogs · 11 years ago
Funniest movie scene EVER. I laughed until my stomach hurt.
I love people sometimes 16 comments
bluedogs · 11 years ago
This is also a great example of why women live longer than men. Notice she chose the non-lethal object.
People should realize this 43 comments
bluedogs · 11 years ago
I'm a 46 year old mother of 2 boys and I am and always will suffer from the disorders that the abuse I suffered as a child and then as a young adult (big surprise I ended up in a horribly abusive relationship). My mother was my tormentor as a child and when that bitch calls she can still reduce me to tears or send me into an absolute rage. I moved all the way across the freaking country from California where I lived 40 years of my life to Alabama just to escape my ex and my MOTHER. It never gets better. I've been wishing she would get hit by a bus since I was a small child. Bitch is in better health than I am by far. I suffer from Fibromyalgia and chronic pain, chronic insomnia, have a history of heart attack and 3 stents in my heart. This bitch is 70, been a fake money grubbing control freak all her life and she can go non-stop from the time she jumps out of bed until bedtime and I can't get through a single day without a 3 hour nap even with Provigil. FML
People should realize this 43 comments
bluedogs · 11 years ago
Wait. I'm an old fart so educate me here please. There is a fucking TREND where the young people of today are pretending to suffer from mental illnesses because.... what? How is any of this attractive? I suffer from Borderline Personality Disorder with bi-polar tendencies (rapid cycler), severe PTSD, as well as Anxiety and Panic disorder. My triggers for the PTSD are growing as I get older, I've had several dissociative episodes in the past few months that scared the living crap out of me. My spouse had to quit his job on the road and is now struggling to find work locally because I was truly losing it with him being out of state. Even though we live way out in the country and have 11 German Shepherds (I breed). Why would anyone pretend to have any of these debilitating disorders?
Kill it with fire 40 comments
bluedogs · 11 years ago
What is she like 9 FFS?? Could this be any more inappropriate?? Ugh....
Halloween horrors 26 comments
bluedogs · 11 years ago
Yeah, I wouldn't of gone with "cute".....
Damn worth the read 50 comments
bluedogs · 11 years ago
Oh FFS seriously? I'm reaching for the kleenex and then read the last sentence and go, "Oh HELL no he didn't!!" But he did. God dammit, he did.
Most people won't do it because they hate the feel of hot breath on their face 7 comments
bluedogs · 11 years ago
I am 46 years old and I can attest to the fact that everything you just said is spot on.
I've got them outsmarted 15 comments
bluedogs · 11 years ago
OMFG this is so me. Every. damned. Time. I even feel the need to wipe my hand off like touching that first cup meant touching a teeming cauldron of pathogens. Yeah, I have issues.
Tire and wheel fixed like magic 13 comments
bluedogs · 11 years ago
What is this sorcery?
An emotional roller coaster 10 comments
bluedogs · 11 years ago
I would climb mountains for those cookies. Especially the swirly ones that are soft and delicate and sooooo buttery. Dammit. I want butter cookies now.
I Don't Know Anymore 13 comments
bluedogs · 11 years ago
I had no idea I was a sexual preference. Yay me!
How to beat flappy bird (MUST WATCH) 29 comments
bluedogs · 11 years ago
Well that escalated quickly.
Wut? 27 comments
bluedogs · 11 years ago
Oh why....why did I click on that link? I feel like my head is going to explode. Please tell me she has not reproduced and doesn't plan to. She's so stupid. And she's not alone either. Good grief these people walk among us. Now I'm afraid to go outside. You.....what have you done?
C cub baby 14 comments
bluedogs · 11 years ago
OMG this is hilarious!!
And share your memories 4 comments
bluedogs · 11 years ago
The first PC I had was actually from the Lawrence Labs in Livermore, CA. it had been upgraded along with a bunch of others and a friend of mine was given a couple by their father who worked there. This had to be around 1984 I think. She gave me one of them because we were both bookworm nerdy teachers pet dorks who were picked on daily by the other kids. It had an external hard drive with bay doors and it took 8 1/4" floppies. LOL I played Zork and other text adventure games that simulated artificial intelligence for hours and hours at a time. I can remember trying to navigate my character across a river by simply stating, "Cross river" and the software program snapped back, "What do you plan on doing? Flap your arms really hard?" and I was a computer geek from that moment on.