AMD too strong 3 comments
· 5 years ago
Ah yeah CES is tomorrow
This is absurd, honestly 15 comments
· 5 years ago
Wait schools still have field trips? I'm not even that old and when I was in school we never had field trips.
The Grandmaster of Pokemon Go 6 comments
When on facebook 6 comments
· 5 years ago
Nah logistically they never had a chance. Near the end of the war they had too many tanks and planes, but not enough people to man them. Even though their soldiers had much better training you can't beat overwhelming odds. Potential History has a video on it as well as a ton of history meme videos.
News in the south 2 comments
· 5 years ago
What kind of person makes their grandmother hold a heavy crock pot with gravy?
That money is for football 14 comments
That money is for football 14 comments
· 5 years ago
Eh at least at my University a parking tag doesn't guarantee a parking spot. They have fewer parking spots than they sell parking tags. Those parking tags can cost nearly $700. They have "lower end" parking tags that are cheaper, but you have the same issue, and have to walk a good distance before you arrive at campus.
Watching some Dota 2 as Crystal Maiden 6 comments
He had NEVER 13 comments
· 5 years ago
Yeah the kids get the brunt of the punishment for sure. It's probably done to conserve herd immunity or prevent an outbreak. It's hard to convert a zealot or a fanatic which is what I count most all anti-vax people. This punishment may seem unreasonable, but how are you supposed to deal with an unreasonable cult? I'm going to assume the solution being implemented isn't going to work for schools or for the kids and will be reverted. This will probably be seen as a win for the anti-vaxers and reinforce their minds that they are right. So it's really a losing game here sadly.
Apple is a joke 23 comments
· 5 years ago
And for the not to discerning person statement that just sounds like a promotion of ignorance. If you're going to make a large purchase you should probably research what you are actually getting before you get it. This is the reason why price and performance stagnated in the consumer sector for processors. Consumer ignorance and lack of competition. Processors are just now returning to a two horse race while RAM prices just normalized after some more collusion between competitors was fined. They'll do it again because the profit made from it exceeds the fine they receive. So while RAM is priced low get it while you can.
Apple is a joke 23 comments
· 5 years ago
Imagine every production year every car is given a speed increase. Now imagine every road is given a speed limit increase. Soon your Ferrari is going to struggle with a Toyota Camry. Now a real world example that has already taken place. 4 years ago the Intel i7 6700k was released. It was a 4 core 8 thread processor for $350. Now fast forward to today. A $200 AMD R5 3600 exceeds it in every measure. It is a 6 core 12 thread processor. While yes there are diminishing returns with adding more cores they are still usable and for the cheaper price why bother? But RAM isn't exactly like that. RAM itself isn't going to directly increase your computers speed. What will do is give it a theoretically higher ceiling to operate at.16GB of RAM will allow you to open more programs always in comparison to 8GB. This will allow it to operate at a higher efficiency for longer. RAM is one of those things where having more of it is never a bad thing.
Apple is a joke 23 comments
· 5 years ago
Well yes laptops will work with less than 8GB but the cost between 8GB and 4GB isn't a linear increase. Windows itself can use nearly 4GB of RAM. So in that regard if you have 8GB of RAM you are already at half your maximum capacity. Also stay away from Windows 32-bit as that comes with a hard limit of 4GB RAM max. While yes the amount of RAM you use is dependent to the workloads that you seek to do, but there is still a minimum that you should seek. For example back to your car analogy. While yes if you bought a Ferrari last year there's a good chance that it will still be considered fast in the next 3-5 years that isn't necessarily the case in computers. Moore's law which is what has been the de facto pace for theoretical processor speed, states that every year transistor density doubles. Now while this doesn't translate to doubled performance every year it is still a reasonable performance uplift. Back to the car analogy.
Apple is a joke 23 comments
· 5 years ago
Eh not really. Android is based on Linux and can run natively on an ARM or x86 based ISA. Yes it did use a Java VM which was succeeded by Delvik VM. Which was also succeeded by Android runtime. Android runtime translates applications to native instructions. Even then all of that is app dependent if the application was written in C++ then it will run natively. Also 8GB of RAM should be the minimum amount of RAM you have in any desktop/laptop. In 3-4 years you probably shouldn't have any less than 12 or possibly 16GB.
What a sweetheart 7 comments
Oh.. The irony 39 comments
· 5 years ago
As for the world not needing the jack I agree with you but it's not quite time to do away with it. As it still is the best option for small form factor audio devices. Allowing it to be killed isn't even all that good for the consumer. While yes it allows them a bit more flexibility in design they aren't an engineering firm. They're a business that employs engineers. Not to mention a business that has its own closed ecosystem. While Apple is heralded for innovation it seems to be innovating in the area of marketing rather than engineering.
Oh.. The irony 39 comments
· 5 years ago
As for phone jacks being a giant hole leading to the core aspects of the system would be a huge oversight in design. As even small metal particles getting into the system would cause catastrophic damage. Which they would also have entry points at the main charging port as well as the speaker locations. Naturally any and all of these places would have some sort of reinforced protection as to protect from metal or water .
Oh.. The irony 39 comments
· 5 years ago
Headphones jack's only pull power when they are actively connected to a 3.5 mm jack. In the case of using an adapter they would still pull power but from the usb-c or lightning port. I agree that the jack is one of the larger more obtrusive pieces to a phone, and yes it adds another problem spot in the area of water resistance. There wouldn't be a need for the adapters without the removal of the jack. The demand for that market only increased once it was forced into being a necessity. Ultimate performance of phones is severally bottlenecked by the reliance on passive cooling. Which results in severely reduced performance as the phone generates more and more heat. As for making packaging easier I don't follow as removing the jack isn't going to change a fairly standard shape.
Oh.. The irony 39 comments
· 5 years ago
As far as phones are considered yes adapter based audio devices are where the market is heading, but it isn't due to a technological improvement or succession. This is mainly about increasing profit margins as well as lowering cost per unit. While Bluetooth is becoming a more viable option it is still several years behind the 3.5 mm jack, and while adapters in theory should work just as a good as a 3.5 mm jack in practice they don't. This is because of audio conversion. So the result is you are left with a poorer audio experience for the extra price of a conversion dongle.
80% Of you people on here lately 20 comments
· 5 years ago
But Isn't that saying that if you don't respect the feelings of someone you are wrong and if you do you are right?