Without double standards, they have no standards 105 comments
· 3 years ago
didn't cross state lines. Apples to oranges. See racist comments below for source.
Edited 3 years ago
The Binger effect 6 comments
· 3 years ago
that's some poor ass trigger discipline. I appreciate my range doesn't put up with this shit.
The mental gymnastics of cancel culture astounds me 15 comments
· 3 years ago
If you don't like that company's platform feel free to not use them. I don't use Gab for that reason. And did you even read the 1st amendment (or any of them) Garlog? facebook/twitter aren't "arms" of the democratic party. Never have been. They are a business that makes money off the most use of their programs, hence leaving trump on after many, MANY violations of their own polies (violent coup attempts are the line apparently). "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." That means that congress cannot make laws about it, but private companies are not congress and do not make laws.
Relevant 6 comments
Which rope do you reccomend to hang myself? 8 comments
· 3 years ago
This tragedy occurred on Oct. 9, 2012 in CANADA. All 50 us states have laws that allow children to carry inhalers. The canadian laws say all medication has to be kept in office (or did, they have since changed these laws). Faux outrage.
It's 2021 and Twitter peeps are still being racist 15 comments
· 3 years ago
*sarcastic clap* Mass US shooters by race: White: 66, Black: 21 Latinx: 10 Asian: 8, Other: 5. Unknown: 11. So yeah, they make up the vast, VAST majority. But wait you say, aren't white people the most populous group? 62% is white, 30% is male and white (there have been 3 female mass shooters in 40 years). So, 54% of the mass shooters are done by white males, despite making up only 30% of the population. Most black shooters are gang related and not public/school/etc shootings (which is definitively tied to education and oppression). As someone who's minority, military wife friend was murdered by a white male mass shooter (planned parenthood 2017) I can tell you it's fucking garbage that we pretend this isn't a white male problem. FYI, that mass shooter got off with an insanity plea.
imagine 4 comments
· 3 years ago
If we were a utilitarian society we would do that. But we aren't. Also if weight loss was as easy as TWO SHOTS, FUCK ALL EVERYONE WOULD DO IT. comparing apples to orangutans on this one.
How is an unvaccinated person like a writing desk? And other nonsensical riddles 19 comments
· 3 years ago
No funeral, I am set up for whole body donation. A medical college is going to claim my body to help teach students, then dispose of the remains. But I'll be sure to attend yours b/c I'm sure you are selfish with your mortal shell like you are with everything else in your life.
How is an unvaccinated person like a writing desk? And other nonsensical riddles 19 comments
· 3 years ago
You can still get covid and carry it to other people if you are vaccinated. You probably won't show any symptoms. BUT at this point we're only killing stupid people, so I say no masks, no distance. If anti-vaxxers wanna die that's okay by me.
How sad 2 comments
· 3 years ago
actually the family is suing Marvel over the rights to stan's work even though STAN HIMSELF said that they belong to Marvel as per the contract he was under when he created them. The same lawyer that is suing on behalf of the families just lost the same type of case for Superman. He's literally lying to these people about their chances of winning to make money as a lawyer. If you care about creators rights you need to change the contracts before the work is created, not after the creator dies for obvious avarice reasons.
Popetin 1 comments
· 3 years ago
I want a time travel movie that actually shows POSSITIVE effects of time travel. Like, they "hitler wins" can't be the outcome of every change in history....
crikey 2 comments
Martin Luther wrote some very unsavory things about Jews in 2 of his later works 3 comments
· 3 years ago
wait. wait a god damn minute. are you telling me that Christians have NEGATIVE views of all other religions and actively try and undermine them?!? NANIIIIIIIII??????!!!!
Safety First - You can try this at home 3 comments
· 3 years ago
Depends on the area and the report. If someone reports a crime has already occurred and there is no danger or risk anymore they put it as a very low priority (they aren't going to speed over for a ransacked house). Now, that being said I've lived in places that the pizza doesn't deliver after dark b/c they get robbed and yeah, cops don't show up unless someone is getting actively murdered. It sucks, but you don't usually call the cops anyway, you call a cousin that takes care of such things.
3000 8 comments
· 3 years ago
No super powers....okay. Able to "invent" tech that is basically fucking magic. Sure, no super powers.
"Come on, you'll enjoy it!" 21 comments
· 3 years ago
Famousone is an uneducated troll. Ignore him, laugh at him and pity him. That's the best vaccine against fuck all stupid idiots.
Oh boy, it's the best time of the year! 3 comments
· 3 years ago
Communism ≠ Socialism. Communism is all but dead in the US. But there are plenty of neo nazis...If you can't tell the difference between communism and socialism I suggest you pass the 4th grade. Also don't collect SOCIAL security when you are older, that's commie money according to you.
The way we think about history is weird 1 comments
· 3 years ago
Thomas Jefferson died in 1826 and Ronald Reagan was born in 1911...now Harriet Tubman was 4 when Jefferson died.
It was an effort to convert Atheists into believers 23 comments
· 3 years ago
Do you not have google? is this how you do research? That explains a lot...The short answer is the cold war. The soviet union saw religion as vastly more detrimental to society than beneficial (which some evidence supports) but the US was doing anything and everything to undermine the soviet union at that time so they wanted to spread Christianity in Romania. Romania at the time was tired of the Catholic Romanian church bowing to foreign powers (b/c it had for hundreds of years) so it did push an anti-religion stance. Both were wrong. Freedom of religion is an important right that should be upheld right until it infringes on anyone else's rights (like if I had a religion of eating people against their will, or less hyperbolic, allowing 12 year olds (old testament)to be married). That being said each country's culture has their own sovereign right to set what laws fit that culture (even a lot of the ones we don't agree with, like eating dogs). Human rights is a whole other argument.
Like fr tho 4 comments
The student has become the master 2 comments
· 3 years ago
To be fair we could have defeated them but it would have meant going to war with pakistan (a nuclear power) and losing tens if not hundreds of thousands of soldiers.
Don’t you want to know the truth? 11 comments
· 3 years ago
Yeah, we do get to decide. That's how public safety works. That's why you don't get to drive 150mph b/c you think YOU are safe at that speed. It is not the flu. Notice any "seasonal polio" kicking around? Logic is a waste on someone like you that doesn't research out of stubbornness or ignorance.
I needed this today. Maybe someone else does to. 8 comments
· 3 years ago
I can sum that whole statement in 5 words "Carry on my waaaaayward son..."