

— bluelagoon Report User
I couldn't change them at the currency exchange office, what can I do?? 2 comments
bluelagoon · 2 years ago
Children under 2 are pretty worthless and really a chore. You are trying to pay with a chore.
The true culprit 4 comments
bluelagoon · 2 years ago
There's plenty of blame to go around. Just like Vietnam that went through 5 presidents. Only difference is that the MAGA people refuse to admit that Trump is part of that blame. (see below for shitposts).
This show is so cringe 13 comments
bluelagoon · 2 years ago
you poor, sweet summer child. Never google fanfic of Harry Potter.
This show is so cringe 13 comments
bluelagoon · 2 years ago
HOLY SHIT BRO I THINK YOUR KEYBOARD IS BROKEN (or your brain, possibly both).
Please...stfu already111!!! :’( 2 comments
bluelagoon · 2 years ago
I like rocks 1 comments
bluelagoon · 2 years ago
it's almost like we did the same thing in Vietnam and learned NOTHING.
Too true 4 me 7 comments
bluelagoon · 2 years ago
Toy Story 4 was good.
Nearly puma pants 12 comments
bluelagoon · 2 years ago
This is how dumb white people die.
There is hope 16 comments
bluelagoon · 2 years ago
Trump made this deal. You all should work for Faux News the way you spin shit and act like you are tough guys....
The unvaccinated are the true threat to the super-spreaders 4 comments
bluelagoon · 2 years ago
No it's mostly that they are taking up spots in hospitals that should be for non-idiots that have treatable diseases. You don't want modern medicine? Fine. You don't get it. No hospitals for you, hope you can find a cure to covid on the same website that said it wasn't real.
Cruella De Grill 2 comments
bluelagoon · 2 years ago
If the secret to immortality was behind a paywall I'd probably just choose to die.
Guess I should’ve pulled out 2 comments
bluelagoon · 2 years ago
but I bet his dick looked great at the funeral.
Except earliest access 3 comments
bluelagoon · 2 years ago
Damn you Ubisoft Wives!
The True Dark Side 21 comments
bluelagoon · 2 years ago
As apposed to the very real philosophy that is explicitly based on corrupting goodness and openly embracing what is objectively evil that you associate yourself with. You're not even smart enough to see the irony are you? :D :D :D :D (we're all laughing at you!)
Kinda gay 15 comments
bluelagoon · 2 years ago
they have sex with other cupcakes of the same gender? I wasn't aware cupcakes had gender...
Except earliest access 3 comments
bluelagoon · 2 years ago
Marriage doesn't mean kids. Plenty of folks choose not to have kids after getting married.
Oldie but Goldie 7 comments
bluelagoon · 2 years ago
At yet, jim crow laws still exist today. We just changed the names. "Voter security" is a nice dog whistle for it. See the MAGA people below for logical fallacies.
BuT hE's NoT dOiNg AnYtHiNg PrOdUcTiVe FoR sOcIeTy 7 comments
bluelagoon · 2 years ago
sure they are! You've never been to a comic con have you....Social AF. My first con a made a burger costume and dressed up as Beefsquatch from Bob's Burgers. It was great!
Know yourself 33 comments
bluelagoon · 2 years ago
Famousone will say this is fake news (unless it apples to things said against them).
I do remember seeing this 4 comments
bluelagoon · 2 years ago
He lost a tiny part of his ear, not the whole thing. He actually posted a pic about this meme with him wearing a mask over both ears.
Hello people 5 comments
bluelagoon · 2 years ago
Counterpoint: Dogs won't suck your dick. (please don't correct me, I like an innocent world).
Hello people 5 comments
bluelagoon · 2 years ago
why it gotta be women? You don't think women own dogs and men try and be like "you love me more right?"
Are extroverts Okey? 5 comments
bluelagoon · 2 years ago
No it's just humans in general that lack that skill.
It was invented in this year 5 comments
bluelagoon · 2 years ago
This is why we became stalking predators instead of rundown predators. Humans can't rundown shit (even fat chickens are faster than us).
It wouldn’t be fun then 2 comments
bluelagoon · 2 years ago
This is why google exists.