Everyone else in the game 7 comments
· 4 years ago
same with the Russian (I think) it might just say non-russian
Coincidence or aliens? 10 comments
· 4 years ago
some of these pictures are zoomed in more to make the distance between them seem the same. and odds are that the small one would be at the end. there are three structures, only one can be in the middle. they're all at the top end because the pictures are angled a certain way. The third mexican structure doesn't even appear to be a pyramid. literally all you have to do is google chinese pyramids to see that this is clearly fake.
Coincidence or aliens? 10 comments
· 4 years ago
putting three things in a row is hardly anything unique. three is a satisfying number to humans and so are straight lines. this doesn't even have to have anything with orions belt. which is just three stars in a straight line.
Build a pc 23 comments
· 4 years ago
what kind of computer would you guys recommend for someone that is a student/young but absolutely NOT tech-savvy?
/ourvirus/ 5 comments
· 4 years ago
not to mention that modifying a virus to specifically kill an ethnic minority is really probably impossible with the current technology. You'd need biological markers identifying the ethnic minority that can be targeted by a virus, which I don't believe exists. When illnesses ONLY affect certain ethnicities, its pretty much can only be a genetic cause.
/ourvirus/ 5 comments
· 4 years ago
false information. probably a joke. Worth noting that Hubei province of China is majority Han Chinese, which is the dominant ethnic group in China. Most of the fatalities in china belonged to that dominant ethnic group. Same ethnicity as the people running the show in Beijing (edit: accidentally wrote "worth nothing" instead of "worth noting")
Edited 4 years ago
Poor wee pup! 2 comments
· 4 years ago
labradoodles that color look so much like fried chicken. my dad and I walk around town and depending on the shade or curliness of the dogs fur we talk about how crispy or undercooked the fried chicken dog is. also little ones are chicken nuggets and big ones are buckets from kfc.
Theres ways we can interpret that sentence 7 comments
· 4 years ago
As long as its better than whatever the fuck happened with Cats I'm okay with it
Might help some of yall 14 comments
· 4 years ago
I met my bf because I was running a girl scout troop and he volunteered to "help" (eat) sell cookies. I know a married couple who met on tinder. That's all I got bud. I'm sure you'll find someone. All it takes is one good one.
Might help some of yall 14 comments
· 4 years ago
in terms of meeting someone you like I have no fuckin idea I got lucky and met someone like the one day I left my apartment. But when you do meet someone, if they give you mixed signals like that, I think it's a sign not to push to a relationship (bc they aren't sure) but to try and spend casual time with them so you both can get a more clear idea on how you feel. I think hanging out in a group is a great way to feel out someone you're not sure about
This is the most italian sht ive seen 6 comments
Effects of Inbreeding 2 comments
· 4 years ago
famousone is right. I'm annoying and like fact checking and its true that the scientific community was aware that *something fucky happens when you marry in your own family* but like famousone said, darwin's work was really important to understanding it. I found an article written on "vintage news" about it for anyone interested.
Might help some of yall 14 comments
· 4 years ago
pretty much. I think the best advice is that if a girl is giving you mixed signals, it usually means she has mixed feelings. At least I've seen that with myself. I remember when I was younger when I liked a guy but sometimes wasn't sure about him, that I was probably acting really confusing. So if it isn't clear to you how a girl feels about you, it probably isn't clear to her either. I can only really speak for myself though
Did you know? 18 comments
· 4 years ago
attention, especially because suicide rates in the marine infantry at least (that's the only one I'm that familliar with) is so high. I'd love to know other people's thoughts on this if they aren't put off by my EXTREME WORDINESS.
Did you know? 18 comments
· 4 years ago
that doesn't mean though, that just because someone has treatment means they should be able to handle weaponry. I think a lot of people don't come forward with their struggles because they don't want to lose their job, especially because a discharge on the basis of mental health isnt typically honorable. It isn't a dishonorable discharge (I think, I would ask my BF but he's deployed and its night in his timezone). A discharge from the military that isn't honorable makes finding jobs more complicated. I think that is one place where the military might be able to improve on this issue. I don't know the inner workings of the military well. I wonder if it would be possible to transfer someone in the armory or infantry to a job that wouldn't allow them access to weapons, so they don't lose their livelihood but are also kept away from weapons and can be monitored by the military. I really don't know, and I'm sure I'm missing stuff, but it's an important issue that I think doesn't get enough
Did you know? 18 comments
· 4 years ago
One thing that's really difficult is deciding how mental health issues in the military should be handled. Suicide is major issue affecting military members, including those who haven't been to combat zones or have issues that could be attributed to PTSD so much as clinical depression. Mental health issues like major clinical depression can result in a discharge in the military. There are solid reasons for this: 1. these people have guns and serious weapons. That's one really strong reason in the camp of "lets not let mentally ill people in the military, idk sounds pretty dangerous." There are problems with this though, although I do strongly agree that people with serious mental health issues should not have access to weapons. One thing I've noticed is that a lot of people I know who are in the military and struggle with depression and suicide don't tell anyone/ dont get help. I think people with untreated mental illness with weapons are more problematic than people who have treatment
Did you know? 18 comments
· 4 years ago
It's a really complicated issue, and while I'm going to criticize the US military's approach to mental health, I should acknowledge that I really am 1. not a professional and 2. have a better solution than the existing one. I am also not a military member, though my live-in boyfriend is a Marine infantryman and many of our friends are military as well.
Did you know? 18 comments
· 4 years ago
from that. Our understanding of PTSD and other mental health issues have improved greatly, but we still have really far to go. Now I'm on a mental health in the military rant but I'm locked inside with nothing to do so I'm going to go for it.
Did you know? 18 comments
· 4 years ago
fighters were often concealed by south vietnamese sympathizers. This is a major facet of the argument that the Vietnamese war was effectively unwinnable. Some people like to determine the outcome of wars through numbers, like the outcomes of individual battles and casualty rates. Most people looking at those numbers would call the Vietnamese war a south vietnam/Us victory. It's a really interesting debate. Some would call the war a Victory, some would say a lost victory, some would say a loss, and some would say a stalemate. I can only really speak from an American perspective, and I'm not a historian myself, but I looked at the History Website, New York Times, the US gov archives website, and wikipedia (i know). I personally think one takeaway that is much easier to agree on than the outcome of the war itself is the treatment of returning veterans. Again, I can only really speak to a US perspective, but we as a society failed them in a million ways, and I think we've hopefully learned
Did you know? 18 comments
· 4 years ago
I suppose it depends on how you define "losing". Some people define losing a war as failure to meet objectives. Our primary objective was to prevent the fall of vietnam to communist forces. South Vietnam was eventually captured by the communist north and reunified as a state modeled (in theory) after a communist society. In that sense, we lost the Vietnam war. Some historians, particularly revisionist historians, refer to the Vietnam was as a "lost victory". They argue the US was on the verge of winning when we pulled out. I believe this theory is the one famousone alludes to in his comment. It's a minority opinion among historians, but a perfectly respectable one. Many historians see the vietnam conflict as unwinnable, in part because large segments of the Vietnamese population favored communists, and in some areas they were in the majority. The south vietnamese government was largely corrupt and ineffective, which contributed to that. A major issue we had was that communist guerilla
Where the soap crisis at? 1 comments
Very nice 1 comments
· 4 years ago
Is this about denmark reopening? Did they annoy china? I haven't seen anything but I'm curious