Phew 1 comments
· 2 years ago
he looks like ken
Tax money being put to good use 2 comments
Pasta la vista 1 comments
obo 3 comments
We're not gonna make it, are we? 10 comments
· 3 years ago
and they're even censoring (yt) different information... there propaganda stream has become quite powerful... but many people are waking up i feel :)
We're not gonna make it, are we? 10 comments
· 3 years ago
fear is a control tool, its easier to control a feared population and make them forget about their rights ;) thats sadly whats happening today...
Three part thriller with happy ending. 2 comments
Wait what? 2 comments
From Occupy to LGBTQ 3 comments
· 3 years ago
is this even a democracy anymore? sorry but its time for these kinda memes ;)
Goldens are golden 5 comments
Fillosuffee 1 comments
· 3 years ago
If you give up liberty in order to gain security, you will lose both in the end. -Ben Franklin-
More good news 5 comments
· 3 years ago
would be interesting to know, how its in total compared to 1000 years ago. I guess then you see that we are missing forests, just not in the rich wealthy countries ;)
Bored of the Things 14 comments
· 3 years ago
The pandemic and this new form of technocratic society would end if we stopped doing what the stupid governments tell us. This is not done to protect us, its to make us follow orders and is another step into the universal basic income (which makes us slaves to the state), getting rid of cash money and more surveillance of the people. It won't stop until we make it stop. If a real pandemic lasts 2 years so many people would have died... And of course in 2 years many people have died. Because People die. its natural. Old people die. sorry and i'm not ignorant or non-empathic. its just normal that 80+ people die. my father is also in that age.
Damn this is hitting kinda hard 1 comments
History is not there for you to erase 8 comments
· 3 years ago
still what happened in the past does effect the present and the future. Simply because the europeans robbed and enslaved half the world they will always be richer and have more wealth than the rest of the world. Only until they give back to the countries that they stole from, the world will be in balance again. Although some things aren't to be undone the wealth can be redistributed. Take away from the rich individuals that took from those poor countries and people. (Royal Family for example also got his wealth through slave trade...)
Based einstein 3 comments
· 3 years ago
except someone really powerful has interest in the truth not being put out there... just saying