Found this beauty of a comment 13 comments
· 9 years ago
Because it's possible that there are lifeforms? Or what?
Cats and their weird logic 8 comments
· 9 years ago
Responsible is probably the salt that they taste from the fingers, so they try to eat it if they're young or stupid ;)
This is freaking me out 22 comments
· 9 years ago
not true, if you practice you can make the voice quieter and even disappear for some time, good if you're trying to sleep ;)
When Your Government Conspiracy is a High Altitude Condensation Trail 13 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm pretty sure that Chemtrails in combination with pesticides cause the bee-dying.
Watch that Documentary:
Why not poison your people, when they get more dumb, and let you do what you want? Thats Democrazy. Ok it already starts with the education system, you just learn shit that someone else found out, and don't learn to think for yourself, just follow the rules. One big reason for the trouble we're in today... I mean there is war, and so much consumerism, so much waste, a well educated population wouldn't go into war and they would know that materialism can't lead to true happiness. Sorry i disgressed from the topic, but it's so big. Sure they would poison us, if as a result, they can keep the power(money). And i don't mean the President. He's not in power, he's just a puppet. The People who are in power dont get elected. Or tell me which president really changed anything? Watch this:
Watch that Documentary:
Why not poison your people, when they get more dumb, and let you do what you want? Thats Democrazy. Ok it already starts with the education system, you just learn shit that someone else found out, and don't learn to think for yourself, just follow the rules. One big reason for the trouble we're in today... I mean there is war, and so much consumerism, so much waste, a well educated population wouldn't go into war and they would know that materialism can't lead to true happiness. Sorry i disgressed from the topic, but it's so big. Sure they would poison us, if as a result, they can keep the power(money). And i don't mean the President. He's not in power, he's just a puppet. The People who are in power dont get elected. Or tell me which president really changed anything? Watch this:
When Your Government Conspiracy is a High Altitude Condensation Trail 13 comments
· 9 years ago
Can someone explain me why it is so implausible, that chemtrails exist? I mean there are much things the Government does and doesn't tell us (example: NSA) because we shouldn't know.
What are the Reasons evryone is against it (although they didn't really tinker with it)?
Is everyone just saying it because everyone says it's bullshit and a conspiracy theory or are their proofs for the incredibility? Note that the Word "conspiracy theory" was reinvented by the Government.
Edited 9 years ago
What are the Reasons evryone is against it (although they didn't really tinker with it)?
Is everyone just saying it because everyone says it's bullshit and a conspiracy theory or are their proofs for the incredibility? Note that the Word "conspiracy theory" was reinvented by the Government.
Why aren't we funding this? 25 comments
· 9 years ago
We were actually funding this. First it was an Indiegogo Campaign:
Now you can donate on the Website:
Now you can donate on the Website:
Artists secretly install 100-pound Edward Snowden statue in Brooklyn park 6 comments
· 9 years ago
sadly it's been removed...
Pretty much sums it up 13 comments
· 9 years ago
so how should vacciination prevent you from diseases if your immune system has no power because you don't eat healthy? Think about it, if your immune system is "out of order" a vacciination would give you exactly the disease which it should prevent, because your body can't fight it. You know a vacciination is a tiny bit of the virus, so your immune system knows how to fight it, but it's not only this there are some unneeded ingredients in it like mercury or some other shit
Pretty much sums it up 13 comments
· 9 years ago
Maybe the reason why we have a strong immune System is because we don't use Vacciinations, pharma drugs or antibiotics? We also eat healthy (my father is vegetarian), the Body Needs nutrients to get a strong immune System and to fight diseases. Evrybody can get this.
Cute 7 comments
Consider that a warning 3 comments
Pretty much sums it up 13 comments
· 9 years ago
i'm not vacciinated and i'm pretty healthy, if i get sick it never lasts more than 3 days.
My father is now about 75 and has never been vacciinated in his whole life(his father was a homeopathic doctor), he's still very healty although he's smoking and drinking wine. About 5 years ago he had to get his appendix taken out. With the age of 70!
Thats not my opinion, but my (and my fathers) experience ;)
My father is now about 75 and has never been vacciinated in his whole life(his father was a homeopathic doctor), he's still very healty although he's smoking and drinking wine. About 5 years ago he had to get his appendix taken out. With the age of 70!
Thats not my opinion, but my (and my fathers) experience ;)