*Dies before reaching school* 7 comments
· 6 years ago
wtf guys it doesnt mean that you die if you dont get vaxxed... My mum didn't vax me (only polio when i was born) and i'm still alive and feeling good (26 now). I never had any bad disease, never had fever that was above 38° C. 1. it doesnt mean that you're save just because you got vaxed and 2. it doesnt mean that you'll get a disease/die if you're not vaxxed. Additionaly to that is my father which now is already like 80 years old, he never had any bad disease and just 10 years ago got his appendix removed. This post is really overdramatized^^
Wrap candy in paper like the straws 4 comments
· 6 years ago
wtf no, there's so many different Options, you can use plastic thats made of potato starch or cellulose and theres even more that I cant think of rn.
That look on his face is priceless 9 comments
'Cause It's nacho business! 5 comments
Repost but important 24 comments
Repost but important 24 comments
· 6 years ago
i'm not talking about gmo, talking bout pesticides/fungicides. And where i live (Europe), if you declare something organic it also has to be non gmo. Organic means its grown without chemical pesticides, and the plants don't have a specified amount of pesticides in them (which can also be caused by wind blowing from one farmer to another)
Repost but important 24 comments
· 6 years ago
Buy more organic!!!! im pretty sure the pesticides and fungicides in some way are related to the bee dying but big corps like Monsanto don't want you to know! This is not fact-based, just a theory. Anyway it's better to buy organic ;)
Anything for a hot guy 2 comments
A motorboat please 4 comments
· 6 years ago
i knew i had seen him doing it ;)
A motorboat please 4 comments
Fun with fighter pilots 9 comments
· 6 years ago
isn't this a joke about themselves ejaculating from the plane(ejection seat)
Adult problem 19 comments
Can you feel the savage? 4 comments