How do I potato? 10 comments
· 10 years ago
I'd eat that baked potato.
Realistic baby head 10 comments
A true hero :) 14 comments
· 10 years ago
Yeah... He was truly an amazingly funny person, gifted, and you could tell that he was a genuinely nice guy. I don't know. I just wish people could get the help they need to not end something that could be so special. It breaks my heart, and makes me feel guilty. Even if I don't know them. :/
A true hero :) 14 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm sorry, but this bothers me. So when I figured out that Robin Williams killed himself, it left me feeling just bad. But what really just ate away at me was the fact that there are people everywhere, right now that aren't famous, who are about to take their own lives. But the only people who will care are their family and friends. Not as many people as celebrities have. In May, a guy who I sort of knew, but never talked to, killed himself. The day I went back to school after figuring out, everyone seemed completely fine. It confused me. Made me depressed. I was questioning, Why isn't everyone in black, mourning this guy, who's life was so unbearable that ending it, seemed like the only right thing to do? I hate death. Especially suicide and depression.
Genius 3 comments
· 10 years ago
Imagine if it was a heavy duty fan, and when you turned on it just sliced right into the wood, fell from the ceiling and killed everyone. Meanwhile Jim is yelling, "CARL TURN IT OFF."
pretty much :c 20 comments
· 10 years ago
In all honesty, every year can be bad for anyone. But for me, this year has been completely terrible. I mean just bad.