I love to sing and play the guitar :)
— BreathingInLyrics Report User
It's almost enough to make me want to buy another can... 12 comments
· 10 years ago
I do this oops
I Can't Be The Only Girl Who Has This Opinion 34 comments
Step up puberty game 31 comments
No shit Sherlock 32 comments
· 10 years ago
I agree with this wholeheartedly! I feel that sometimes women can be 'shove-it-down-your-throats' about Feminism and giving it a negative connotation when that's not even what feminism is. Essentially, it is equality. Women are taking this too far and basically saying women deserve or need more rights than men, and that's not what Feminism is about. To achieve true equality, we have to recognize that society does not only have prejudices towards females, but males as well. We say women on magazines are too perfect and make girls have low self esteem, yet we see guys with their shirts off in the magazines with six packs too good to be true and don't think anything of it. We say that women being sensitive and girly is a stereotype and it should be broken, yet we still think it's weird when guys break our stereotype for them (not showing much emotion and liking things that boys don't usually like, etc.). This is why we need equality- males and females alike.
Please tell me I'm not the only one 18 comments
This made a great decision an even better one 21 comments
when you accidentally delete the essay you've been working on for weeks 6 comments
· 10 years ago
I am assuming this just happened to you so you came on here and made a post about it xD
Report Bugs & Errors 79 comments
· 10 years ago
It won't let me scroll normally. I'm on a windows 8 computer and all of my other sites the scroll is fine but on Funsubstance it's like it tries to skip to the top of each post but it doesn't quite work and it's really annoying...
The best (or worst?) of Facebook 19 comments
There's nothing better than a good song 2 comments
Sooo... Can I come too ? 11 comments
· 10 years ago
I hate this so much! Seriously my old friends did this to me and it is not fun. If you ever do this to someone... They hate you and so does the entire world.
GIF inventor said that it is pronounced as 'jif' 23 comments