Best. Brother. Ever. 11 comments
· 10 years ago
only because i didn't have to share and got most everything i wanted.
Drivers License 6 comments
Comics need sound 17 comments
· 10 years ago
it bugs me just a it when people say DAH-TA (I have noticed it's mainly more Northern US and Mid US).. I've always been told it's DAY-TA. (Southern US)
Slendy? 26 comments
· 10 years ago
Far Right, 1 tree, 2 tree (farther back), Slendy (it took me a while to find him), 3 tree, 4 tree, 5 tree and that dancing thing..
Hedy lamarr everyone 20 comments
Pretty accurate 42 comments
· 10 years ago
Where is her bow, and why isn't he holding an arrow as well? It's not just mean that hurt women. I saw my friend hurt her boyfriend more than I have seen any man hurt a women. This street (picture) should go both ways!
Rare, dangerous, amazing fish and sharks 35 comments
Dreams 44 comments
· 10 years ago
Maybe I am just out of practice with it, I haven't tried purposely since I was a teenager... I do know that if I fall asleep thinking about something I end up dreaming it but my mind takes over and twists it.
Dreams 44 comments
· 10 years ago
Let me just say Sleep Paralysis is the scariest thing that has ever happened to me! & Lucid Dreaming is great if you can control it the whole time (or minds are a bit evil), I don't know too many people that can do it.
Edited 10 years ago
i need this 8 comments
· 10 years ago
Where is the BUY button!?
Edit: As far as I have found out it's not in production yet (if ever) but check it out!
Also, not that it is the same, but I found bed in a bag!
Edited 10 years ago
Edit: As far as I have found out it's not in production yet (if ever) but check it out!
Also, not that it is the same, but I found bed in a bag!
This is the human lung inflating 68 comments
He has no front legs but gets around like a pro 13 comments
· 10 years ago
That little stinker is SO dang cute!! I just want to pick it up and love on it! So precious and inspiring. :)
This is like funny 11 comments
· 10 years ago
by the time I got to the last 'like' my brain read it as lick. I don't understand how a person can say like so much.
Eminimandms 11 comments
Kids say the darnest things 23 comments
· 10 years ago
the practice of making them is fun, after all practice makes perfect. :)
Boyfriends don't do make-up 24 comments
· 10 years ago
That would explain why he hides my make-up and only gives me my mascara. :)
Boyfriends don't do make-up 24 comments
· 10 years ago
I would be scared to let my boyfriend do my make-up, I would question if this is what he thinks I look like while wearing make-up.
Every dog deserves a chance at a happy life 10 comments
· 10 years ago
It is basically a condition where the dog doesn't have the ability or muscle strength to propel the food into the stomach after swallowing, and if not sitting in the correct position the food can bypass the 'food pipe' and go down the 'wind pipe' into the lung and cause the pup/dog to die.
Here is a link to help understand a bit more and goes into more detail.
Here is a link to help understand a bit more and goes into more detail.