After ranting about a shirt that was worn by a guy who landed a probe on a comet 57 comments
· 10 years ago
they actually are...
new emojis are coming later this year (black emojis!! we got our wish!!!!) 22 comments
· 10 years ago
thats actually a really great solution, so you don't have to swipe through everything
Make-up does change everything 16 comments
· 10 years ago
who cares which picture she looks better in? If she likes wearing makeup then who cares? She looks great in both photos
I'm born in 2000, so clearly I'm not a 90's kid. 42 comments
Feminists and Femanazis 30 comments
· 10 years ago
I don't really like the term "feminazi" because people who don't believe in equal rights, whether it be male or female supremacy aren't related to feminism at all. They are just misandrists or misogynists. Not related to feminism at all
Bismuth crystal 8 comments
This is a really good idea. 20 comments
· 10 years ago
yes! if a woman started talking to me and i could tell she was in an uncomfortable situation i would definitely pretend to know her to help her out, i can actually really relate because i live in a place where I'm constantly using public transportation. I have been harassed and cat-called more than a few times
/b/ isn't just for m*sturbating, its also for mathturbating 20 comments
· 10 years ago
yeah, why do you give a shit how many people a woman has had sex with?
Feminists need to look at other jobs 32 comments
· 10 years ago
this is too true. thank you so much for pointing this out! i was trying to explain this to someone else today and you worded it perfectly!
True or false? 27 comments
· 10 years ago
theres this thing called asexuality. you don't need to be sexually attracted to people or like sex. some people just really don't like sex or things like that.
Ceiling art in a smoking room 9 comments
· 10 years ago
Some of my friends purposefully cough really loud when they're walking by a smoker and then look at them so they feel bad. Its so annoying though omg thats none of your business you don't own the sidewalk, let them smoke!
I think this is the best way of looking at it 21 comments
· 10 years ago
a real woman identifies as a woman. not necessarily has a vagina.
For Gamers 24 comments
· 10 years ago
i was about to get really upset at the last one but i was pleasantly surprised.
It works both ways. Can we have some ACTUAL equality and less militants please? 25 comments
· 10 years ago
the people judging him for the shirt that he wore are not feminists. They are misandrists.
Hipster at work 3 comments
I think everyone should do this 11 comments
Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure 13 comments