Would you like to start with the manager? 3 comments
· 3 years ago
That's about as bad as 'find the vegan' in the comments
There was still discrimination, but they had it better than other women of their time 3 comments
· 3 years ago
The viking men were so well groomed, that the Anglo-Saxon women would swoon, leaving the Anglo men to be so jealous they slaughtered them
Self explanatory signs 4 comments
Shut up Yoko 7 comments
· 3 years ago
Now that's true; Lennon had quite the superiority complex - and yes Yoko did have a part, but Ringo was quite the 'sensitive dude', took offence all the time, George was so pissed that Lennon downplayed his contribution all the time etc etc.
Daily dose of history, part 70 5 comments
Isn't that awesome? 7 comments
· 3 years ago
And because of 'child mortality' past data it completely skews our mortality rate. They did live until the 80s in the past but you wouldn't know it.
Accept this gif 2 comments
· 3 years ago
So God told humans that if they 'broke His laws' that will certainly die - the wages of sin is death - BUT He said you can continue to live if you repent with a substitutionary sacrifice. So something HAS to die but not you - yet. Stoopid humans thought God is blood lust, when in fact, He was helping you not die in the first place. How much sacrifice does a righteous man need?
<Zoom> 25 comments
· 3 years ago
Oooo an intellectual, loaded with prejudice, judgmental condemnation, and a rippin' superiority complex. What ever happened to just letting people enjoy stuff?
“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine” 3 comments
Anywahays 7 comments
· 3 years ago
Exactly, If the Lord never taught us about substitutionary atonement, we wouldn't have lasted a generation; but go ahead and tell me about the blood-lust God has.
Flag returned, faith restored 4 comments
· 3 years ago
apparently the west coast stole your weather too - and THAT you can have back
Mendel posting 1 comments
· 3 years ago
and that's how they found out the limits of genetic mutations, and inevitably, the failure of Darwin's pet theory.
Don't listen to him king 5 comments
Y'know, you really don't need to overcomplicate this one 4 comments
· 3 years ago
After Russia wrapped up their European theater, as promised to the allies, they began to amass for a northern front with Japan. Two nukes, and the Japanese still resisted, until they realized they will be fighting a two front war with no resources to continue - surrender was the only option, and to the US, because the US actually followed Geneva Convention. Russia would have torn them asunder.
Chad move 8 comments
Scholastic Era books smelled the best apparently 20 comments
· 3 years ago
Welcome to the era of incredibly bad grammar. A lesson in punctuation could help a lot of us from having strokes trying to read this crap.
Ah, a relic from our past 1 comments
Someone's got to clean up these dirty streets, guess it has to be me 5 comments
· 3 years ago
I used to find a dirt pile and carve out streets and places for my dinky cars, none of this prefab stuff - eat the dirt - be a man, err kid
Daily dose of history, part 6 4 comments
· 3 years ago
Funny how a couple of world wars kind of pushed the innovations a little faster.
Mark Hamill=wholesome 2 comments