

— bubbles2 Report User
Scumbag cart 2 comments
bubbles2 · 9 years ago
420 marijuanas fell on him 3 comments
bubbles2 · 9 years ago
His face
420 marijuanas fell on him 3 comments
bubbles2 · 9 years ago
lmao literally laughed it up in school right now
Hey, stop eating my food 7 comments
bubbles2 · 9 years ago
So cute
Surprised dog is surprised 1 comments
bubbles2 · 9 years ago
Oh nah it aint just something else
Clever cat 1 comments
bubbles2 · 9 years ago
It's Pretty Overpowering 12 comments
bubbles2 · 9 years ago
I knew some of these recipes when I combined some in my mouth.
Welcome to Hell 18 comments
bubbles2 · 9 years ago
Idk what to say
Welcome to Hell 18 comments
bubbles2 · 9 years ago
Idk what to say but wow
People often ask me what being a transs*xual is like. 135 comments
bubbles2 · 9 years ago
The most eye opening thing I ever saw funsubstance will open your eyes sometimes!!!
Oh 6 comments
bubbles2 · 9 years ago
Yes wanted to kill my older sister and younger brother for that crap!!!
His own comfort zone 7 comments
bubbles2 · 9 years ago
My gmama's dog did this I think she did it cuz she was hot or something
Tacobell is awesome 7 comments
bubbles2 · 9 years ago
yawning elephant shrew 5 comments
bubbles2 · 9 years ago
Yep my words exactly
When the waiter prematurely asks if I'm finished eating 10 comments
bubbles2 · 9 years ago
Eyes start bulging chick trying take my stuff
The inside fight 33 comments
bubbles2 · 9 years ago
Whoa I like this
Shot out of a womb 4 comments
bubbles2 · 9 years ago
Oh my gosh if my dad said that I would flip
Blond, James Blond 3 comments
bubbles2 · 9 years ago
What the?!
Good Guy Mercury 13 comments
bubbles2 · 9 years ago
I thought I was the only one to loooooooooooooooooooove Queen!!!!!
The real reason your girlfriend liked avengers 33 comments
bubbles2 · 9 years ago
Loki and Captain America are my men one has a nice butt and both have nice faces
I had a ruff day 4 comments
bubbles2 · 9 years ago
This thing is spoiled but cute
Gangster pigeon 4 comments
bubbles2 · 9 years ago
What can you say? 30 comments
bubbles2 · 9 years ago
That is soooo cute I love it!!! I want a boyfriend like that!!!
The Beginning Of a Lifelong Friendship 4 comments
bubbles2 · 9 years ago
1000 feels are poring in for this gal!!!
Guys, it went viral... 9 comments
bubbles2 · 9 years ago