

— bubbles2 Report User
It really was 6 comments
bubbles2 · 8 years ago
Where can I see Shia being ashamed!!!!! I have to see it!!!
Get DOWN to it. 7 comments
bubbles2 · 8 years ago
Kissing the elevator is nice tho
Slave roller coaster 5 comments
bubbles2 · 9 years ago
There are white people in the back I am pretty sure this is after slavery like when they were expanding in the west... making the Continental Railroad... 99% sure
The babies have spoken? 10 comments
bubbles2 · 9 years ago
Obama look fine on the slick
*cough age matters 48 comments
bubbles2 · 9 years ago
What's nasty about it?
*cough age matters 48 comments
bubbles2 · 9 years ago
Yep I don't understand it when they say a 21 year old and 17 year old can't be together but we all have to look at couples like that and stop ourselves from screaming gold digger!!!!
*cough age matters 48 comments
bubbles2 · 9 years ago
Yeah I gag whenever I see that old guy and Anna Nicole Smith together
*cough age matters 48 comments
bubbles2 · 9 years ago
*cough age matters 48 comments
bubbles2 · 9 years ago
Agreed but what if there was no legal age? I mean YOU JUST CAN'T MARRY some kid but still what if
it happens 2 comments
bubbles2 · 9 years ago
Yes my brother I want to puch him with the truth
when your teacher gives you homework and all the class is like... 7 comments
bubbles2 · 9 years ago
Guy in the front nice smile look like I couldve took him home to mom if it weren't for this gif
Fail 13 comments
bubbles2 · 9 years ago
The grinch made the deal for me
Yep 7 comments
bubbles2 · 9 years ago
Yeah I should
Epic 5 comments
bubbles2 · 9 years ago
The feels Freddie did not die in vain
*cough age matters 48 comments
bubbles2 · 9 years ago
Lol she does
Yep 7 comments
bubbles2 · 9 years ago
Yeah but I was the one who was more self conscience about it.... People say you regret the things you didn't do well I regret the things I did...
*cough age matters 48 comments
bubbles2 · 9 years ago
Maybe or genes lets lean towards the genes.... anyone in the fam that developed early? If so its genes
*cough age matters 48 comments
bubbles2 · 9 years ago
Oh that is because of hormones in our food girls are getting breast at eight and bigger ones at ten from fast food and junk its sooo sad :(
*cough age matters 48 comments
bubbles2 · 9 years ago
And yes I know the girl is 15, not 16
Yep 7 comments
bubbles2 · 9 years ago
I used to.. I don't see him anymore
*cough age matters 48 comments
bubbles2 · 9 years ago
I hear what you guys are saying but that means about a quarter of teen moms who ever lived and had kids had birth issues or their children where unhealthy and personally when most of the world was practicing the act of their daughters marrying young and having children at certain eras I personally don't see that... I have always believed that 1st world countries such as America want to make it seem like 16 year olds etc. can't make their own choices but right when they hit seventeen they can go to jail? (In Georgia). To me teenagers especially sixteen year olds are old enough to make their own choices... And question why are girls biologically designed to produce children more in their teens and twenties? A lot of your ideas are western and I get it but if you look more in a diverse view its more freeing... Have a great day :)
What even is this?? 15 comments
bubbles2 · 9 years ago
Laughed so hard
Scotland every year 8 comments
bubbles2 · 9 years ago
The rain is indeed warmer which makes me feel sticky and dirty....
When mum comes back and you haven't done the dishes 2 comments
bubbles2 · 9 years ago
Oh ***** indeed!!
I have to agree with Mr. Tristan 7 comments
bubbles2 · 9 years ago
Lol I get it...