I'm into The Avengers, Sherlock, Doctor Who, Hannibal, Supernatural, Walking Dead, Marvel, Avenged Sevenfold, ect. c: ♥ I love Loki
— me Report User
I should buy a lotto ticket 13 comments
· 10 years ago
You can buy cartons of double-yolked eggs though :(
Well you can just never be too sure 9 comments
Power of friction 18 comments
Watching Netflix with my bird 14 comments
As a 16 year old kid, this is pretty unpopular within my age group 43 comments
· 11 years ago
as you get older just remember that your parents are getting older too.
group projects when no one knows what they’re doing 9 comments
· 11 years ago
its from this :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ccImoOXfk4
Edited 11 years ago
This boy deserves a cupcake 8 comments
Halloween horrors 26 comments
· 11 years ago
only 7 compared to the probably 20+ people that were at the party. and that makes sense... only 7 out of the group of people died. glad it wasnt more. only 7. 7. only. only 7 out of more.
Disney day and night 12 comments
Kill yourself 13 comments
· 11 years ago
Or how about people say whatever makes them happy without others telling them to kill themselves
Shakespearean Insult Bandages 7 comments
I like people how I like my coffee 4 comments
Too precious for this world 9 comments
To Anyone Else in Love With Villians 22 comments
*shudder* 16 comments
· 11 years ago
Just 'cuz you don't like it,
doesn't mean people will stop doing that.
But honestly who cares just let people wear whatever is comfortable for them
doesn't mean people will stop doing that.
But honestly who cares just let people wear whatever is comfortable for them