

My sense of humour is like your sexual fantasy's, dark, very dark

— BurningBabyCorpse Report User
Pretty much 8 comments
burningbabycorpse · 8 years ago
And then there's the witcher 3 with it's hundreds of hours of amazing content
Harambe 5 comments
burningbabycorpse · 8 years ago
Free Rick Sanchez!
The only way to be sure 15 comments
burningbabycorpse · 8 years ago
Well I didn't get it from funsub and it didn't get picked up by the repost detection but idk
Like really 33 comments
burningbabycorpse · 8 years ago
Like really 33 comments
burningbabycorpse · 8 years ago
Like really 33 comments
burningbabycorpse · 8 years ago
Like really 33 comments
burningbabycorpse · 8 years ago
Like really 33 comments
burningbabycorpse · 8 years ago
Promise? Promise. 11 comments
burningbabycorpse · 8 years ago
Yep. Emulators, n64 and SNES emulators work great on both
Promise? Promise. 11 comments
burningbabycorpse · 8 years ago
If you own a PC or an android phone you can play a lot of em
Don't forget the easter bunny, santa and the tooth fairy 3 comments
burningbabycorpse · 8 years ago
It's all part of raising a kid, telling fake stories about santa , the easter bunny and jesus
Life of a student 3 comments
burningbabycorpse · 8 years ago
You freak!
The Official FunSubstance iOS App Is Here! 65 comments
burningbabycorpse · 8 years ago
That's the old app and it sucks
Transformation inspiration 7 comments
burningbabycorpse · 8 years ago
Damn, FS is quickly turning into 9-g-a-g
2 · Edited 8 years ago
Smiling Animals That Will Make You Smile Too (17 Pics) 10 comments
burningbabycorpse · 8 years ago
That buzzfeed title tho
I barely use my phone any more 2 comments
burningbabycorpse · 8 years ago
I fucking loved watamote
So THAT'S where baby cars come from 2 comments
burningbabycorpse · 8 years ago
Oh God cover yourself
Speaks for itself really 9 comments
burningbabycorpse · 8 years ago
Not sure if funny post or Anti texting while driving ad
Something is about to happen in these pictures 8 comments
burningbabycorpse · 8 years ago
It's quiet, too quiet
When you see a toilet in your dreams 9 comments
burningbabycorpse · 8 years ago
I too am very interested in the continuation of this story
IT professionals will know 3 comments
burningbabycorpse · 8 years ago
When it works after turning it on again vs it can't be solved by turning it off and on again
This is horribly adorable 7 comments
burningbabycorpse · 8 years ago
Aren't we all the spawn of satan?
Two bald people 15 comments
burningbabycorpse · 8 years ago
Let's keep the Facebook out of Funsubstance people
Kids Say the Darndest Things 1 comments
burningbabycorpse · 8 years ago
Omg I can't stop laughing holy shit
Urgh! 19 comments
burningbabycorpse · 8 years ago
A female fan, obsessed with something (or someone) to a frightening or sickening degree. Often considered ditzy, annoying and shallow.