History Photo Day Six: another badass woman 5 comments
· 9 years ago
Still makes her a badass.
Day 273 of your daily dose of cute: Weeeee! 4 comments
How do we explain this? I have no words 12 comments
*glares at the UK* 6 comments
this photo inspired me to join Funsubstance 21 comments
If you think about it... 17 comments
Ageism at this restaurant 29 comments
· 9 years ago
I was a caregiver for a while and I took my patient to the store, a kid walked in front of her cart and she almost hit the kid. Seriously no big deal and she went on a 20 min rant about how kids are little shits. I was like calm down lady. Lol so yea, some people are just crazy about that stuff. But yea when he gets fussy and he's not screaming but starting to get crazy I get nervous people think I'm doing a crap job parenting. But I'm trying my best.
Ageism at this restaurant 29 comments
· 9 years ago
He's never obnoxiously horrible just starts getting a little loud. If it ever got the the point of screaming I would walk out. But I've never took him anywhere really nice. Usually places like Village Inn. I was just curious of what people expected.
Ageism at this restaurant 29 comments
· 9 years ago
Serious question, my son is a year and half when we go to a restaurant and he's hungry so he starts to get fussy. I bring snacks and whatever I can to hold him over but he's still getting upset because it isn't enough. What do you expect me to do? He isn't screaming on the top of his lungs the whole time but he lets out some yells. If I pull him out of the high chair he will want to run around every where. Please don't say just stay at home if I know he will be that way. I won't sit at home and never go out to avoid it. I know going out a lot shows him how to act in public. But in those cases what is it that I'm expected to do?
The mystery under the bed 6 comments
· 9 years ago
I am 24 and still run and jump to my bed in the middle of the night because I know he's there.
save all the good stuff for later 6 comments
Looks like a pretty good crop this year 4 comments
· 9 years ago
I like how there is a couple over there all cuddling and Mr. Forever alone is over here buring pugs hahaha
I wanna eat this so bad 19 comments