Ever been hit by a pillow so hard you... 8 comments
· 9 years ago
ROFL! Couldn't agree more! I actually laughed while reading your comment!
Really cool visible shockwave 6 comments
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· 9 years ago
Oh! :D Sorry, MISS Penguincat. :p Well I certainly have that much faith. :) Hopefully, some reading these comments will be open to consider God's word and that He'll grant you the increase, for I have planted the seed. :)
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· 9 years ago
I think, given the overwhelming evidence, that it's preposterous NOT to believe in intelligent design. :)
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· 9 years ago
Take a pair of eye glasses, separate the lenses, screws, the nose pieces, and the frame pieces. Place them into a bag. Shake the bag back and forth, up and down, until you have a complete set of eyeglasses. I mean no disrespect, but what you suggest about evolution is entirely the same thing as the above illustration. Assembling a pair of eyeglasses requires intelligent design to understand how the pieces fit together, the great intricacy of torquing a screw, popping the lenses in place, and not to mention avoiding damage to the lenses.
God is the epitome of intelligent design. :) All things He created were made by Him for a purpose. The water cycle, not an accident. Trees giving off O2, not an accident. Ocean and air currents, not an accident. Our human heart, the most efficient pump ever known, our intestines - 25 feet long, our brains, spinal cord, nervous system, circulatory system, our bones, etc, all created by God for a purpose. :)
God is the epitome of intelligent design. :) All things He created were made by Him for a purpose. The water cycle, not an accident. Trees giving off O2, not an accident. Ocean and air currents, not an accident. Our human heart, the most efficient pump ever known, our intestines - 25 feet long, our brains, spinal cord, nervous system, circulatory system, our bones, etc, all created by God for a purpose. :)
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· 9 years ago
Ironic though how atheists and agnostics get married though, for marriage is, in fact, a covenant with God regardless as to whether or not you believe in God. :) Don't mean to step on any toes with that comment; just speaking up for what's so/right.
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Awesome balloon art 23 comments
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· 9 years ago
Well, I've done my job. I'm sorry you won't listen. :( I have taken the time this afternoon to spread some of the good news of Christ Jesus. I am told, by Christ Himself, that'd I'd be hated, slandered, and persecuted for His name's sake. And that's okay. :) For I am blessed.
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· 9 years ago
... they're not properly interpreting the context of that verse. Paul is addressing the church in Rome! THE CHURCH, CHRISTIANS! People who have already obeyed the gospel. :) Baptism is another issue people have about salvation, yet the bible is perfectly clear that baptism IS essential to salvation. Mark 16:15-16, Acts 2:38, 1 Pet 3:21. In fact, every conversion story in the book of Acts involves baptism.
I do apologize as I've written a lot, but PLEASE read all of what I have written. :) It just might save your soul. I'm more than welcome to discuss any other biblical topics of discussion. :)
I do apologize as I've written a lot, but PLEASE read all of what I have written. :) It just might save your soul. I'm more than welcome to discuss any other biblical topics of discussion. :)
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· 9 years ago
Therefore, since Christ fulfilled the Law, the Old Testament laws are no longer valid in terms of the tedious "hows, whats, and whys". HOWEVER! Let me be perfectly clear... 9/10 commandments that Moses recorded are repeated in the New Testament as to how we're supposed to live our lives. All but 'Remember the Sabbath and keep it Holy' is recorded in the NT. Christ also fulfilled that, too. Sunday is the Lord's Day, not Saturday.
Many people quote the bible incorrectly because they're ignorant (the word 'ignorant' isn't an insult, but rather means 'without knowledge') of the context of what they're quoting. The MOST IMPORTANT thing to consider when trying to interpret any bible passage is its context. :) For example... many people think they're saved (will go to heaven) simply by this verse... "If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." This verse is found in Romans 10:9...
Many people quote the bible incorrectly because they're ignorant (the word 'ignorant' isn't an insult, but rather means 'without knowledge') of the context of what they're quoting. The MOST IMPORTANT thing to consider when trying to interpret any bible passage is its context. :) For example... many people think they're saved (will go to heaven) simply by this verse... "If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." This verse is found in Romans 10:9...
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· 9 years ago
To lokihasthephonebox, that's entirely correct. :) A lot of people refer to that phrase as "the Golden Rule" (treat others as you'd want done unto you). What many don't realize is that phrase came directly from Christ Himself! :D Matthew 7:12. As christians, our job is to spread the gospel - not to condemn others for their sins! WE TOO ARE SINNERS! How arrogant of someone to say they're better than someone else - THEY'RE NOT! Jesus WAS better than everyone else, yet He didn't boast about it!!! - talk about humility! :)
To aradia_megido... Actually, those are misconceptions. :) Cutting you hair isn't sinful. We can now eat any food we want (provided we control ourselves), and we can wear whatever type of clothing we want, as long as it's modest. And I'll tell you why. Many people today don't understand the differences between the Old Testament, and the New Testament. To put it simply, Christ was the fulfillment of the Old Law (Mosaic, Levitical, etc). Read Matthew 5:17. :)
To aradia_megido... Actually, those are misconceptions. :) Cutting you hair isn't sinful. We can now eat any food we want (provided we control ourselves), and we can wear whatever type of clothing we want, as long as it's modest. And I'll tell you why. Many people today don't understand the differences between the Old Testament, and the New Testament. To put it simply, Christ was the fulfillment of the Old Law (Mosaic, Levitical, etc). Read Matthew 5:17. :)
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· 9 years ago
Sir Penguin, you mentioned you weren't a man of faith, yes? Does it not take faith though to contemplate how everything came to be? :) In the New Testament of the bible, in the book of Hebrews, the 11th chapter, and verse 1 reads: "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things unseen." Are you married, sir? Perhaps a girlfriend? Certainly you have faith that she won't lie/cheat/steal from you? The assurance that she won't do those things, the conviction that she hasn't. :) My point is that most everyone has some experience with the word 'faith' in their own lives. Now, sir Guest. Good day. :) Why don't you think science has that better answer? And lokihasthephonebox, good day to you also. :) It certainly makes sense to me. Evolution obviously exists within SPECIES, agreed. We have thousands of species of birds, fish, reptiles, etc. But man evolving from a single-cell organism? Right, not so. :)
What does the phrase "intelligent design" mean to you guys?
Edited 9 years ago
What does the phrase "intelligent design" mean to you guys?
So this is how they actually do it 9 comments
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· 9 years ago
Okay, there's a lot there... Do you guys also believe in evolution? How do you think the earth and man were created?
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· 9 years ago
Welcome. :) While we're on the subject though, why don't you guys believe in God? Agnostic rather? Something else?
Edited 9 years ago
Harry Potter and puberty 15 comments
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· 9 years ago
God does say that homosexuality is sin. Homosexuality is a sin like every other sin a person can be guilty of. No one sin is worse than any other, despite what the Catholics think.
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· 9 years ago
You have my apologies, sir Penguincat. Wrong of me to judge. We christians are certainly sinners, too, and imperfect.
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· 9 years ago
Actually, this is entirely biblically correct. :) Gal. 5:22. We can treat people properly while at the same time, NOT condone their sins.