Now that's badass! 12 comments
· 7 years ago
He's got sauce, bruh...
Loving Amazon's marketing team! 4 comments
· 7 years ago
Have you actually tried to sell things via Amazon? It's a frustrating nightmare...
Falling asleep while on the bus 5 comments
· 7 years ago
All fine and good until the bus clips a curb, thus rocking the bus and slamming your head against the window. True story.
Abandoned power plant in Belgium 4 comments
· 7 years ago
Anyone else freaked out by the death awaiting you if you fell in? Like, what's down there? Rotating blades of death? Kinda like watching the water flow at a dam... "if I fell in that"...
I miss you 29 comments
Epic parents raise epic kids 14 comments
Mr. Wonder Woman 10 comments
Whoever invented marriage 7 comments
· 7 years ago
The marriage relationship is actually instituted by God Himself, beginning with Adam and Eve. Each marriage, whether you believe or don't, is a covenant with God. It is legally binding and has severe earthly consequences if broken. So many today get married (and divorced) like it's nothing. :( So sad.
Real men show their emotions 8 comments
Every damn time 26 comments
· 7 years ago
The Panda Express is my area never seems to mind. :) Although I do always get take-out, lol.
just in case you weren't aware 56 comments
· 7 years ago
Yes, this is what every Christian is to do - to exemplify Jesus. :) It's easy to get frustrated with the world and lash out (I'm quite guilty as many know) in anger. I was once a bible-thumping hater, but Jesus wasn't. :) With every confrontation of sin (yes, even with the money-changers in the temple) that Jesus had, He always was meek, patient, kind, and compassionate. We ought to be the same.
Daily Dose of Love #89- Happy Gay Pride Week! 27 comments
A father found the man who kidnapped and sexually abused his son, and shoots him 19 comments
· 7 years ago
In the Old Testament, God instituted capital punishment for certain sins. Kidnapping was one such offense. The guilty party was to be stoned by the people. Although, that was under the old law.
Oh please stop it.... LMAO 9 comments
· 7 years ago
Tracts of land? I assume you mean boobies. Yes, her boobies are quite lovely also.