You guys are smart, think of more XD 64 comments
· 6 years ago
Slightly frightened, repaid seven times over, TOTO BY CONTINENT!
Gotta feed the kids 12 comments
· 6 years ago
Pictures like these make me cry forever. Don’t do that to that poor little girl. SHE DIDNT WANT TO DO THAT SHE WANTED TO PLAY WITH AL AND ED!
I'm really craving some pasta right now 4 comments
· 6 years ago
Yo, for real, the dish on the box is amazing...my family used to make it once a week and it’s my favorite dish..
Wait... Theres a new mexico? 33 comments
Not a single thought was given that day 16 comments
· 6 years ago
Hate to be that guy, being in the auto industry and all. The majority of city busses actually run on CNG (compressed natural gas), Hydrogen, or some other combustible alternative fuel source. Now, oil as a lubricant the majority of us use synthetics and high mileage rather than conventional motor oil. And if we all rode the bus instead of driving emissions would decrease immensely. Now if they were getting at the whole petroleum thing which is where gasoline comes from, that’s one thing. Oil as a whole we need to make plastics and other sorts of things.
When I pee while dreaming 4 comments
Bethesda in a nutshell 8 comments
· 6 years ago
I know I’m too late, but Skyrim SE you never had the mod workshop for console gamers (me) so I can’t enjoy mods without Skyrim SE and they added in the thing where you can buy mods from Bethesda and still able to play with achievements on.
He was a nice guy... RIP 3 comments
· 6 years ago
The same thing happened to me but I wasn’t gonna comment, a girl at school was shot and killed and so I was skeptic and posted I’m not sure if I should take this seriously or not
"oregano" ;) 39 comments
· 7 years ago
That right there a goals. I want to make that much pot brownies with my friends