Where can I buy those tires?? 31 comments
· 6 years ago
Nah mate this is the problem with being bad at communicating like I am. My key words were not "serious enough", they were "she can do that".
Where can I buy those tires?? 31 comments
· 6 years ago
Oh let the newbies be, gatekeeper. Cycling is amazing, if she is serious enough to invest that much then she can do that.
Is that rock climbing? 8 comments
Never risk it! 2 comments
· 6 years ago
I saw this clip and honestly neither of them made proper points. Everything about this is immature.
Sarcasm 3 comments
· 6 years ago
Luigi is my boy what the fuck you talking about toad. nobody likes you toad. fight me right here and right now, I will not deal with this disrespect!
New dimension 6 comments
· 6 years ago
Wetting a towel with cold water and holding it up to your eyes can help if you feel the need to rub them, if they are dry I mean. If you have something in your eye the best way to get it out is by blinking until it comes out by itself or when you can carefully take it off your eyelids. Touching your eye whites with clean hands is ok when trying to get something out but ofcourse don't do it if you have long nails. Your eye has a particular level of pressure and that being changed by a small puncture is not the beesstt...
Do what you want, but don't try to make it seem like it's something special 10 comments
· 6 years ago
With the amount of time and effort cosplayers... Oh sorry I meant adults who dress up, I think it's pretty special in its own right. It takes literally months for an outfit to be completed. But hey if you're not interested in that then it's not special to you and that's totally ok :)
New dimension 6 comments
Choose your destiny 14 comments
· 6 years ago
On the other hand Niccolo sounds like an angsty 14 year old. If humans were naturally evil then we wouldn't make up laws that would force us to be good. I'm on the middle team as well.
Fragile little creatures, aren't we? 18 comments
Fragile little creatures, aren't we? 18 comments
· 6 years ago
If you can't relate to a post like this, it wasn't meant for you. Congrats on your thick skin though mate :)
The epic battle between bunties 8 comments
Never fart when you have diarrhea 9 comments
I usually play Bowser or Yoshi 39 comments
Advertising done right, Stop one, stop them all 108 comments
· 6 years ago
^by which I mean that I don't care about this argument, only the advertisement so go argue in the other reply chain. >:-<
Advertising done right, Stop one, stop them all 108 comments
· 6 years ago
Yeah they would win on making the pyramid inverted. Mate I never said it was easy to stop people selling but that's just what WWF is trying to do. I'm not offering a solution, they are and they obviously have a plan.
Advertising done right, Stop one, stop them all 108 comments
· 6 years ago
Guys GUYS! They mean that if you stop the person buying this illegal shit then you'll stop the sellers, that will stop the suppliers. This has nothing to do with you hating PETA, vegans, people who eat meat or whatever shit, it's about stopping illegal trade that harms endangered species. Chill.
Shazam! 4 comments
Gran, don't worry, we all know you only mean well. What you're saying holds no malice to anyone (I hope). It's just that sharing that opinion on a post all about shutting up and letting people who want to self improve do their thing it comes off as gatekeeping, maybe not to everyone but some of us. I just figured out how sincere you were so I'm sorry if I came off as rude. Cheers mate!