Floof 9 comments
· 7 years ago
It's a Keeshond. I had one when I was a kid. They are little nuclear explosions of energy lol
Doing a back flip 5 comments
· 7 years ago
400% of base attack and applies a debuff inflicting 2568 burn damage over 10 seconds. Increases damage of next Hurricane Fire Slap by 50%.
Neil deGrasse Tyson votes for Iron Man 21 comments
· 7 years ago
In a first contact fight, Ironman wins hands down. Batman often looses fights with no prep, because, even though he is one of the most skilled fighters in the DCU, he is no match for most of the heroes in either DC or Marvel. However, with time to study and prep, Batman beats pretty much anyone in DC and most in Marvel. Even if the opponent has time and resources to study Batman in return, he still wins because that's his true power. He is not the strongest or most skilled, he can't move at light speed or break planets, he is a tactician. He is regarded as one of the most dangerous tactical minds in the entire DCU by his peers and rivals.
He was completely unharmed. I named him Cayde-6 37 comments
He was completely unharmed. I named him Cayde-6 37 comments
· 9 years ago
Everyone be sure to do the daily today and take the special ending for the exotic 310 sniper rifle, Black Spindle!
This is basically my life 10 comments
· 9 years ago
Thanos: The thing I do not take seriously here Rogers, is YOU. Your stature is that of a fragile child, and now you want to date my favorite daughter Emma. You may take her to dinner human...but have her home after 11, and I will BATHE the star ways in your blood.
Emma: Thanks Dad, seems fair!
Rogers: I think I've made a grave mistake
Emma: Let's go Steve!
Rogers: Emma, maybe this isn't th-
Emma: Come on! We'll be late!
Rogers: Fine, but you're coming home at 10!
Thanos: *mumbles* See you in Infinity War boy
Rogers: What???
Thanos: NOTHING!
Emma: Thanks Dad, seems fair!
Rogers: I think I've made a grave mistake
Emma: Let's go Steve!
Rogers: Emma, maybe this isn't th-
Emma: Come on! We'll be late!
Rogers: Fine, but you're coming home at 10!
Thanos: *mumbles* See you in Infinity War boy
Rogers: What???
Thanos: NOTHING!
Cats teaching a thing 36 comments
· 9 years ago
Very debatable, he is widely accepted as agnostic. But you're right, he probably does not belong on an "atheist" list.
Cats teaching a thing 36 comments
· 9 years ago
Clearly guest has never heard of Nero, Hitler, Stalin or Mao Zedong just to name a few. Both sides have plenty of blood on their hands. Kindly step off the high horse.
If only people understood this more 41 comments
· 9 years ago
Seeing too many people refrence Bergdahl, who is not the one in the 4th pane, that would be Bradly Manning (now Chelsea Manning). Manning is the person who released documents to Wikileaks in 2010.
Bat mathematics 14 comments
· 10 years ago
Actually, Ironman has been EMP proof for quite some time now. He was also trained in martial arts by Captain America. While he would still likely loose a fist fight with the Capped Crusader, he could still hold his own. Also, goodluck catching Stark defenseless, many have tried and failed.
Probably the best dog in the world 13 comments
· 10 years ago
Ahh ok thanks for the info. The dialog on the pic was a little misleading.
Probably the best dog in the world 13 comments
· 10 years ago
These are cute and all. But am I the only one who doesn't want my dog to still look like a puppy when it's 21 and arthritic? Like some weird canine Benjamin Button?
Watching Thor... By far coolest character 10 comments
· 10 years ago
Takes down interstellar warship with a pair of oversized knives. Most metal character in the series.
"Went to Starbucks. My name is alona..." 3 comments
· 10 years ago
Whatever you say Ebola, that barista saw right through your ruse. You can't hide forever.
The most metal thing you can do after death 20 comments
· 10 years ago
My dying wish is to be the diamond used in the world's biggest orbital death ray.
Where were you all my life? 31 comments
· 10 years ago
I knew an Australian who brought me back some original Tim Tams from his trip home. He had me bite two corners off and use it as a milk straw. It was on a whole other level. Mortals were not meant to harness such delicacies...
Guys who didn't get it 25 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm pretty sure every man on earth has had a moment like this at one point or another.
On another note, number 9 and I can be bffs.
On another note, number 9 and I can be bffs.
Meanwhile in Japan 10 comments
Use the fourth Luke 13 comments
Smallest raincloud ever 8 comments
I miss Mitch Hedberg 4 comments
Designer troubles. 16 comments
· 11 years ago
As someone who has been out of college for about a year, I can tell you that about half of your clients are EXACTLY like this. But its worth it for the other half who are totally cool and think you are some sort of cyber god. They will always tell you how great you are and how you made their day :)