I'm a B and I'm a Dude 56 comments
· 9 years ago
Pssh more like double DAM MY BACK HURTS!
Mind blown 5 comments
So that's why Drake and Josh ended 6 comments
· 9 years ago
I wish they would make an adult version of Drake and Josh like they are with full house
Adele! No means no! 12 comments
· 9 years ago
I mean in the song, the song doesn't make it seem like it's in an harassment type situation. But still I see both of your points.
Adele! No means no! 12 comments
· 9 years ago
She said "I must have called a thousand times" not " I touched you inappropriately a thousand times" or "I called you derogatory names and made you purposely feel uncomfortable a thousand times"
dipper and mabel! 21 comments
· 9 years ago
I was looking at some gravity falls stuff and unfortunately stumbled upon the twincest stuff and was severely grossed out... people will perv up anything and everything
What would the Academy have to gain anyway? 16 comments
· 9 years ago
I hate when I hear people say that they want more diversity in the Oscar's, because that's bullshit, not to sounds racist or anything but it seems like African Americans on care about their own race. They don't give two fucks about latino/Latina actors, directors or writers or Asian actors directors or writers or any other race at that it's very frustrating because they calm to want diversity but that's not the case...
Thanks Princess Elsa...Thanks alot 11 comments
Cheers to that! 31 comments
· 9 years ago
Can you imagine falling in love with someone, deeply in love, knowing they don't have the same tattoo as yours, knowing at some point you have to let go of them. Let's say that you guys get married you have a great marriage and then one day at your spouses family gathering you meet someone, a family member you've never met, and as your spouse introduced you to them you notice their tattoo, the same tattoo as yours, the same tattoo you've had your whole life. What do you do?
I mean no offense, I just wanted to share my opinion 88 comments
· 9 years ago
I don't think I've made enough friends on here to have anyone try to imagine what I look like lol
Not for the faint of heart 156 comments
I feel sad for my parents 17 comments
· 9 years ago
Well if you think about it like that, the choices also could have been : murderer, drug addict, all around asshole, or Donald trump supporter...